Requesting help from Dev Choice authors




This is just something that I've been kind of curious in the back of my head for a while now. I'm curious as to how many plays the Dev Choice arcs get. It's hard to track them because they stop showing at 1,000 plays, that's why I need help. The only way for us players to track plays is by tickets awarded. Now it's not an exact science, as people can earn tickets from multiple arcs, not every rate will earn the same amount of tickets (or any in some cases), and there are few authors out there with Dev Choice arcs to help.

What you can do to help - If you are getting any kind of tickets from your arcs, post your unclaimed total here whenever you can. Or if you spend them as soon as you get them, post about how many tickets you've gotten this past week.

I know this might not serve any purpose other than satisfying my curiosity, but maybe others are curious as well.

My current unclaimed tickets
(3/3): 8810
(3/5): 9010
(3/7): 9210
(3/12): 9545
(3/14): 9760



Note: I have 9 arcs published currently, which means that not all of my tickets are necessarily from my Dev Choice arc, Two Tickets to Westerly. Most are, though.

3/3/2011 8pm EST: 8241 tix.

3/4/2011 10pm EST: 8386 tix.

3/5/2011 1pm EST: 8501 tix.

3/6/2011 4pm EST: 8621 tix.

3/7/2011 8pm EST: 8696 tix.

Got this really nice feedback:
[Tell] 2011-03-07 07: 40:13 Message From @T: Feedback on Architect Mission Teen Phalanx Forever!: Got to give this one good marks. After the first mission, you had me RPing with the NPCs. Very well done.

3/8/2011 8pm EST: 8786 tix.

3/9/2011 9pm EST: 8881 tix.

3/10/2011 8pm EST: 8906 tix.

3/11/2011 8pm EST: 9101 tix.

3/12/2011 10pm EST: 9386 tix.

3/13/2011 9:30pm EDT: 9471 tix.

3/14/2011 8pm EDT: 9541 tix.

3/15/2011 9pm EDT: 9726 tix.

3/18/2011 10pm EDT: 9856 tix.

3/19/2011 7pm EDT: 9906 tix. Claimed 1000 to avoid hitting the cap, down to 8906.

3/24/2011 8pm EDT: 9431 tix.

Loved this comment:
[Tell] @G: Feedback on Architect Mission Talos Vice: Outstanding, starting playing smuggler's blues and in the air tonight

3/26/2011 11am EDT: 9596 tix.

3/29/2011 8pm EDT: 9951 tix. Claimed 1000, down to 8951.

[Tell] 2011-03-29 03: 54:47 Message From @S: Feedback on Architect Mission Two Tickets to Westerly: All I wanted was a phone call!

@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"



Interesting. You seem to be getting only slightly more plays than me even though your arc is listed third, while mine's on the second page. Would be nice to see stats like these from someone else with a longer arc listed at the top. Early estimations bring us about 30 plays a week each. Give or take.



Heh. Mine's still not even 2/3 of the way there. It hit 400 pretty fast, since then it's been maybe 0-5 plays a week.



Sorry it took a while to respond to this, but I can add to your information here...

I can't really track ticket counts (my wife actually hosts my 'better' arcs on her account since he had no interest in AE herself) - at least not very easily. But my one Dev's Choice arc is nowhere near 1,000 plays, so I can give an exact number of (new, unique) plays over the past 16 days.

On March 2nd, Purification was at 486 plays.
Today (March 18th), it's at 493 plays.

So a total of 7 new plays over 16 days. Roughly speaking, that's about 3-4 plays a week, and about one play every other day on average.

Purification is (and has been) near the bottom of page 1 since it got DC'd, and I *believe* that rate of play has been pretty consistent for almost a year.

(Interesting to note that at that rate, Purification will hit 1000 plays in 3 years and 2 months, so about May of 2014.)

(My other two 'popular' arcs are The Lazarus Project, and Learning the Ropes. The former got no plays over the last two weeks, and the latter 6 plays. So, on the almost unbelievable chance they'll somehow remain 5 stars until they hit 1,000 plays, at the current rate Learning the Ropes will achieve Hall of Fame in April of 2015, and the Lazarus Project will reach Hall of Fame some time after the heat death of the universe.)

M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice! )
Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)