Seeking advice on KM/EA
Play it first... then figure out what you think?
Or troll through these boards to dig up some thread that may or may not make sense to you, and blindly apply it to your toon.
I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.
Heya Fellow Scrappers,
Im in the mood to use the new animal pieces and Ive been waiting for a reason to use Kinetic Melee so now seems as good as any. My initial problem was what to use since Ive used almost every secondary and I didnt want to repeat. I settled on Shield Defense then to Willpower (which most people seem to like). But I finally fell into a comfort zone with Electric Armor. Ive always wanted to try it out but Im more of a defense set person and I dont care for resistance sets unless they are extremely durable. I did a little bit of digging around the boards and found a little advice on electric armor but I was hoping to get a bit more.
As for Kinetic melee whether its a powerful set or not doesnt matter since this is something of a concept character anyway. But I was wondering what attacks are worth skipping outside of the taunt of course. I have heard that Repulsing torrent isnt one of the best attacks in the set so I guess that one can be left out. Any other advice is much appreciated!
As for Electric armor this one is rather out of my zone. I figure I can build for defense but I was wondering how much defense is good without softcapping. After defense I can only assume slotting for recharge but not sure about what else really. One of my questions does rely on how good is Energize and can it be reliable as a heal. The end reduction part of its seems to be peachy so Im guessing end shouldnt be a problem between that and power sink. I do plan on skipping power surge however as Im not a huge fan of the tier 9s outside of Elude.
I dont have a build planned yet as I wanted to get some feedback before I got started on it then post it up and see what happens. Any and all advice is welcome.
Thanks ^.^
True Justice is the defense of the weak, the lonely, the homeless, the widowed, the abused, the poor, the hopeless, children, and those who cannot do for themselves. True Justice fights injustice, it fights evil. Its easy to talk about Justice, it is not however easy to talk about True Justice. The important question is, what are you willing to do? -- Lady Zealot