Unlimited budget "Peacebringers Suck" Build.

Dechs Kaison



Now that I have nearly finished my FM/EA brute, I want to try a Peacebringer.

Can anyone give me a Triform Unlimited budget Build to work from?

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




Search Fu is your friend. Use it wisely, young grasshopper.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



As always, my rate is 750 million influence to work up a build for someone. Seeing as this is an unlimited budget PB, it shouldn't be hard to just roll that into the cost.

The other option is to read a guide or two, maybe do some searching, work something up yourself and post it. I'll do what I can to optimize it from there, free of charge.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Made a Nrg/Nrg blaster instead.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




This is by no means an unlimited budget build.

It is where I am at, for the moment, with my PB and should give you sufficient ideas on how to slot powers for a tri-build, at least to my play style. Basic though the build is, it functions and is effective on a team as well as solo. I have no trouble with most non-AV content on my own.

I remember running into an Nemesis AV once apon a time. I ended up giving the fight up after about 30 minutes. Neither of us could take the other out. I would Blast him as a Nova till i got hurt then go dwarf at which point he couldn't do much to me. Once Nemesis got low on health he would bubble and I could never quite get him the last bit when he came out because I would need to stay in dwarf at that point.

I am mostly, mainly, a DPS flying blast-o-matic machine.

I have dwarf form for the purpose of surviving agro and occasional light tank duty. Were I more interested in tanking, at the very least, I would have a few more slots in taunt.

My human form is about utility powers and big mean blasts. I find photon seekers to be very helpful solo and teamed. Those they have their issues. If I see a tough fight/boss/eb I make the seekers before engaging. About half the time they will take out carnie bosses for me. Or they do nothing due to phasing. Dawn strike is nifty on teams.

Real number were not yet available when I slotted out Symby, it was when IO's first came out (gee I wish I had stocked up) and my focus has been elsewhere with his build being functional. With the new end game content I am again working on him, the Spiritual Alpha is very good for this build. I am at common with him so far, I can see even the rare, much less the very rare doing wonders for his DPS.

The recent changes to fitness have also done spiffy things for End. I used to get low on very very long fights blasting and medium fights as a dwarf. This has been fixed.

I keep planning to change out the +fly speed in nova for a stealth IO. I'll get to it.

Working in some Analyze weakness chance for +to hit is something I am thinking about too. As it can go into just about any power and some of them, like bright nova bolt/blast get spammed a lot. I should look for more beneficial procs for those powers.

I do appreciate any constructive feedback and ideas, of course, as I am again actively seeking money and IO's for my tried and true flying squid of power spamming.

I recently made him a human only form as well, though just on SO's for now. It works in a team but not yet solo.... IO's will fix that.

Now, if you want to send a few billion my way (send PM for global) I will be happy to work out my perfect build for Symby and show you what I came up with as well as how well it works.

|789C7D935B4F534110C7A7ED39AD2DD7722DD75E81524A4BA 3EF06051313D026185F|
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|3DBEC67297D6C72D9A254B2C65929E339306B2699252539E7 F6BB7F2B6B2F53A1424|
|DD079EDA7BBB191D2AA899D1918264FA63053919FD0158ABB B94|



Ill post my current build, but first a few notes about it.

1) I dont have that PVP IO...its pretty much the crowning achievement for the build though.

2) Im lacking most of the kinetic combat, they got 'spensive on Virtue (So 'spensive I had to sell my X to get what little of it ive got)

Other than those two notes, ive got all the rest.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |



Originally Posted by Zenyth View Post
2) Im lacking most of the kinetic combat, they got 'spensive on Virtue
Side note - markets are not server or side specific.

Go play tip missions. Turn in your A-merits. Pick what you need. Alternately, use reward merits.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Side note - markets are not server or side specific.

Go play tip missions. Turn in your A-merits. Pick what you need. Alternately, use reward merits.
Shows how much I know. For the longest time I pretty much ignored anything but SO's. Id toyed with the idea of going whole hog into an IO build before, but never could get up the motivation to actually settle in and work towards it. Just all seemed like a great big hassle...then I got an armageddon drop, and then I got a second one...and then I had a large pile of influence, and it didnt seem quite so great a hassle anymore.

I never really messed with the AH or merits before recently though, but im learning all kinds of new things every day through situations like this.