Chuck 2/14/11

Dark One



Chuck Versus The Cat Squad

2/14/11, 8pm/7 Central NBC

Chuck surprises Sarah with her old spy team, The C.A.T. Squad, leading to a mission in Rio. As The C.A.T. Squad works to settle a score with Augusto Gaez, old secrets and grudges come to light. Back at the Buy More, Morgan fends off the advances of Carina, a former flame and frisky member of The C.A.T Squad.



Hmm...Chuck's Angels...

Also, LDP looked like Chris Parnell with a beard in this episode.

They had both CoV and CoH this time around. Also some Guild Wars boxes in there too.



Sadly, I missed this episode last night. I'll have to catch it on demand after work today. Glad to know of the CoX product placement, though.