Solo ITF attempted.
I tried it, but I couldn't quite pull it off.
Here's what I was equipped with: - Mind Dom, level 50, incarnate unequipped (heard of this being done before, so i figure the incarnate is cheap) S/L capped, 180 recharge. - Temps- All pet temps, venom dagger, power analyzer, 3 nukes The first two missions were easy, just patience. Here's my issues on the 3rd mission. 2 AV's. With a mind dom, this should actually be a good thing. It was at first. I confused Requiem, and had him kill Romulus. I'm thinking what the best thing to do from here is, so you don't waste your nukes and temps, confuse an EB into killing Requiem. I'm pretty sure you can get this to happen. I had trouble pulling it off. First: Requiem tends to kill the 2 EB's next to Romulus before he kills Romulus. Second: Pulling one from the canyon doesn't seem to work because they don't want to aggro once you get it up to the platform. I had them both confused, and they were standing literally hip to hip. But neither of them took a swing at the other. I reset the mission, and I tried to park Daedalus somewhere in the air above the platform so I could use him once I cleared it. I'll try this again on my next attempt. But for now, it seemed like I couldn't get him pulled into the air before a patrol aggroed him. And he's impossible to keep alive. I finally got fed up, and I pulled all my pets except the vanguard heavy, launched all my nukes, and went to town on Rommie once we'd killed Requiem. I just tanked it and had him to a sliver of health before he killed me. So it's definitely feasable with nukes. I'm just trying to kill Rommie using Requiem, and then kill Requiem, all without temps for this mission. Any suggestions? |
Old School
Renegades <- HIs mind/fire did it.
@x2crunner and @x2crunner2
Just curious, but what is your secondary?
I was able to complete the ITF solo with my Mind/Psi Dominator without using any temps. I confused Romulus to take out Requiem, then defeated Romulus myself by keeping him perma confused and cycling in attacks and Drain Psyche to keep his regen floored.

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Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial
I solo'd the entire thing with the exception being rommie at the end with my cold fendur. sounds like a case of lrn2play
the third mission wasn't hard i did it pretty straight forward. pull down req kill him. pull down rommie kill him. both AV's cost me a shivan each(which probably what got me killed later cuz i summoned shivans on rommie, veng'd them and STILL got my backside kicked)
Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.
Yeah, mine's energy. I took it partially for the power boost, but I think maybe it just doesn't have the damage needed. I see how psi would be better, both for the lack of resistances to it, and for the drain psyche. I'll have to use venom dagger more. And maybe reroll another dom. . As far as ill/rads go, I have one, but I prefer the mind dom for soloing. A bit slower, but safer. I think I'll 86 the no-incarnate rule and see if I can get the actual master badge without the temps. Not sure if nrg with a tier 4 damage will pull it off, but we'll see. I mind roll a mind/psi as well. I like mind doms enough that I wouldn't mind having two.
I think learn2play is a little harsh? First attempt at soloing a major AV/GM. Not sure that not having an immediate success makes me all that teribad.
Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.
azile's done it with his mind dom...twice i think. def more than once.
Triumph Lurker: mintmiki 50 emp/archer
basically, if you see a miki on Triumph, it's probably cute and it's probably me.
Huge thanks to cuppamanga and all the folks in the mac help forum for prolonging my borrowed time on this game.

yay duo?

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.
I'm certain you can do this with mind/energy, it will just take more finesse and time than either the dps oriented mind/fire or -Regen mind/psi. But PowerBoost will make it easier for you to keep Romi perma confused.
In that mission with Requiem its slow but if done properly 1 of the 2 EBs already on the platform next to Romi can be used to kill both AVs. The trick is confuse Romi just enough so he will attack stuff around him but not stay confused very long. You hope that he attacks but doesnt kill at least one of the two EBs. If he kills them both just exit and reset. Once the EB has been attacked by Romi when you confuse it, then it will aggro steadily on Romi instead of running around looking for other targets.
Alternately, your strategy should work. Do whatever you have to keep Daedalus alive. If he gets into ambushes just mezz everything around him until he kills it all. Then fly him up high enough that nothing can aggro him and move away fast enough that he loses you and simply stays safely hovering in the air. Use 1 AV to kill the other. I prefer using Req to kill Rom because you are going to have to kill Rom on the next mission anyway so its good to get practice. Then go get Daedalus flying high enough to keep him from aggroing. Ditch him again right above Romi, then spend some time perma confusing Romi. Fly up and bring Daedalus into the fight. While getting Daedalus you missed several confuses, so spam it for a few rounds to make sure he doesnt aggro and kill Daedalus.
Your attack chain will be something like Confuse>Bone Smasher>Power Blast>Confuse... Ideally you should have APP Ice Mastery for Sleet. Ice Storm will also improve your dps. When Powerboost is up stack your Mass Confuse ontop giving you some more wiggle space on keeping him perma mezzed. (PBed Mass Confuse is perma so thats another free mag6 confuse...) Use a Power analyzer to get an idea of how often you have to spam confuse to keep Romi perma confused through purples triangles.
The final mission is going to be the challenge. In my experience none of the EBs anywhere near Romi are capable of killing him. They all simply miss too much. Save Imperious up in the air for the final fight. Confuse Romi and let him kill the Nictus. Then use the same strategy with Imperious that I described above using Daedalus. If you want to speed things up use a Shivan, backup radio, and evenomed dagger.
But if you want a challenge I think a mind/energy with Ice Mastery APP and either hover or fly (to keep Daedalus / Impy safely in the air) should be able to complete a solo MoITF run. Bone Smasher and Power Burst are probably your best two attacks, but Power Bursts recharge is long so you may do better with Power Blast. Total Focus has too long of cast time, which would slow down your ability to stack confuse. Also you'll want dmg procs in your attacks.
I tried it, but I couldn't quite pull it off.
Here's what I was equipped with:
- Mind Dom, level 50, incarnate unequipped (heard of this being done before, so i figure the incarnate is cheap) S/L capped, 180 recharge.
- Temps- All pet temps, venom dagger, power analyzer, 3 nukes
The first two missions were easy, just patience. Here's my issues on the 3rd mission.
2 AV's. With a mind dom, this should actually be a good thing. It was at first. I confused Requiem, and had him kill Romulus. I'm thinking what the best thing to do from here is, so you don't waste your nukes and temps, confuse an EB into killing Requiem. I'm pretty sure you can get this to happen.
I had trouble pulling it off. First: Requiem tends to kill the 2 EB's next to Romulus before he kills Romulus. Second: Pulling one from the canyon doesn't seem to work because they don't want to aggro once you get it up to the platform. I had them both confused, and they were standing literally hip to hip. But neither of them took a swing at the other.
I reset the mission, and I tried to park Daedalus somewhere in the air above the platform so I could use him once I cleared it. I'll try this again on my next attempt. But for now, it seemed like I couldn't get him pulled into the air before a patrol aggroed him. And he's impossible to keep alive.
I finally got fed up, and I pulled all my pets except the vanguard heavy, launched all my nukes, and went to town on Rommie once we'd killed Requiem. I just tanked it and had him to a sliver of health before he killed me. So it's definitely feasable with nukes. I'm just trying to kill Rommie using Requiem, and then kill Requiem, all without temps for this mission. Any suggestions?