Best Stalker for PVP in RV,SC,BB, and WB




i was wondering what the best power choices i could make for these areas, i hear nin is perfect for it, is that true? how would MA/Nin do anyway?



Most stalkers are good for PvP, and arguably better in BB than RV (mostly
because you can get all the essentials you need on the build sooner than
other AT's can get theirs).

By PvP essentials, I'd consider the following powers as must haves, in time
for the zone you want to play in (BB by L30, SC by L35, WB by L44 and
RV @L50, bearing in mind those levels include any power picks that are
taken within 5 levels of the zone's max/exemp levels of L25,L30,L38 & L50

Assasin's Strike
Phase Shift

Your +perception power (if you have one)
Your mez resistance power (if you have one)

Every stalker I run has all of those by Bloody Bay timeframe.

In addition, you probably want a Kismet 6% IO, at least one -KB IO (I
don't subscribe to the 41 pts of -KB for stalkers), a Reticle Perception IO,
and finally a Stealth IO. The latter is also a must have.

Lastly, a self heal of some sort is desirable, and your travel power(s). For
the latter, many folks have SS/SJ, but you definitely want something other
than simple Sprint, Jetpack or Ninja Run. Chase/Escape are important in
PvP, and while the prior 3 are fine in PvE (and useful in PvP), they simply
don't cut it compared to "real" travel powers imho.

As for attacks, you'd have AS and the first couple tier attacks, and to that,
I'd add one more of the bigger hitters in your upper range (typically the
L26 or higher attacks). You generally won't need more than that because
typically PvP battles are short, and you have a lot of powers you're trying
to pack into the build, but you'll want at least one strong follow-up to AS.

As for MA, I don't have any advice (I'm partial to NB, Spines & Elec myself).
/Nin is an excellent secondary that works well with most primaries.

GL & HF,

I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.