Lost Revised: Season 6 without Flash-Sideways
Rewatching "LA X," I actually dug the flash-sideways more the second time than the first. Some of it is heavy handed (establishing Sun and Jin), but I think with the foreknowledge of what this universe actually is imbues some of the words and actions of the Losties in that universe with more meaning and significance.
But, get back to me when I rewatch "What Kate Does"
"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie
After a hiatus, the Lost Revised fan project has returned with its serial "re-editing Season 6 of Lost to remove the existence of the sideways world." Episode 13, "The Last Candidate", was uploaded last week, and with any luck, the posting schedule will be back to normal and ABC won't pull the plug before the finale.
To start off, here's a link to the sideways-less Episode 1-2: "LA X", which, without the quote Los Angeles unquote scenes, is a taut sci-fi thriller filled with action and foreboding. The real proof of this experiment's validity, however, is its amalgamation of episodes 11 and 12, "Everybody Loves Hugo" and "Happily Ever After", into "When Desmond Met Hurley", an episode the length of a regular network one but with no detours or red herrings to distract from the mounting dread as the competing forces assemble for the final battle over the Island.
This truly is the "final season of Lost... as it should have been".