Any Roleplay about?





I'm a fairly new player to COH/COV, and i've had a quick look-see over the forums to see if there are any Roleplaying Super-groups or communities I could join up to. So far I have found not much. Maybe it was just a bad and hasty search, but my question is this:

Are there any Roleplayers on this server, if so, were can I go to Roleplay? :S - Is anyone up for some RP?




Welcome to Onion!

Many, many, many RPers about. As mentioned, join the Union Roleplayers chat channel (in-game command /chan_join "Union Roleplayers"), and take a look at the Roleplaying forum.

There are public RP meets (notably 9pm at the Galaxy Girl statue in Galaxy City and almost any time in Pocket D, but it picks up from about 8pm), and new people are always welcome, but I would VERY strongly suggest taking a look at the Hints, Tips and Tricks for New Roleplayers thread, even if you've RP'd (online or not) before.

As well as those regular (nightly) meets, there are a large number of RP groups that you can find elsewhere in-game - the best suggestion I can make is to introduce yourself on Union RPers and ask what people are up to.

I'm an unrepentant Galaxy Girl regular (though my time there has been severely curtailed recently, due to Real Life), on most nights (except Wednesdays), and can be contacted on my global @Shadowe if you have any questions, want to curse me out, want some advice, or just can't seem to find me, and please, please, please, remember the following:

The regular RP meets can sometimes seem very cliquish and unwelcoming. This is NOT true. IC, the characters have lives and may be continuing a conversation that they've been having for 3 weeks, and it can be hard to introduce a new character into that sort of situation. I would suggest two things: Persevere and tell people.

Persevere: Don't give up. We do, in fact, love new RPers and characters. Don't let the first apparent hurdle put you off.

Tell People: If your toon is standing off to one side saying nothing, none of us know that you want to get involved. Mention it OOC on Union Roleplayers, or using OOC tags in local chat. We will work with you to get your toon involved, if we can.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Shadowe has pretty much nailed it there. The two visible places for rp are Pocket D and Galaxy Girl but there will be more going on in bases and roleplaying supergroups.

Join the Union Roleplayers channel (which is out of character) and say hello and I'm sure you'll find something to suit your tastes.

Welcome aboard and I hope you feel at home.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Thank you for all the infomation, it is certainly very, very helpful! I could not have asked from better advice from you guys! I now plan to investigate these spots and hang around on the Rp channel.

Again, thanks!
