Resistance and the ITF

Dechs Kaison



Hi all

This is just a general point and query on the effectiveness of Resistence against those dodgy romans (what did they ever do for us?).

I took part in an ill-fated ITF with a PUG at the weekend. I was on my tri-form with perma-eclipse. Team consisted of 2 brutes, a 'troller, 2 scrappers, a blaster and myself. There were 8 originally, but 1 dropped and never came back (very wise as it turned out).
We were up against +1/+2's. I was constanly at my res cap in my lobster form, but it was just faceplant after faceplant. I couldn't even take on a group of 5 without getting whittled down to death in the space of 10 seconds. Is this normal?? I know resistance is 85% cap on 'shades, so if an enemy hits for say 1000 points damage, only 150 should get through? Is that correct, or does the higher enemy do more damage. I'm not sure of the resistance scaling.

It basically felt like perma eclipse was kind of redundant.
Any thoughts? It's my first real heavy defeat with my beloved tri-former of death



If 2 brutes, a 'troller, 2 scrappers, a blaster and a perma eclipse WS couldn't complete a +2 ITF - even with one dropping after one mission - then it was more than the inability to combat incoming damage.

Who was the leader? Are you sure the TF wasn't set for the "Players under constant debuff" challenge? I don't know if that would have shown up in combat info or not.

But more than likely it was a case of PuG-itis. I don't care what your resistances are, you can't survive for long when the rest of your team is running helter-skelter and splitting every which way but loose, and nine times out of ten you'll be left wondering what in calamari just happened.

Not all PuG ITF's are like that. Pop your res, dust off the old carapace and get back in there. You'll likely as not be golden (well, purple) on the next run. I was on two this past weekend on my PB who- because of an awesome inherent - was at the resistance cap, and we burned through in record time with less damage potential and tankability than you had.

And I was also on one with the same Ice/Axe tanker that had previously tanked it in under an hour with zero deaths when two stalkers got peeved when we preferred shards to speed running on the first mission and rage-quit (aftery trying to assassinate the Minotaur on the dais and spawning the ambush prematurely), removing most of our damage potential. EDIT - resulting in a failure on the second one, in case that wasn't clear.

In short, a team of less-well-built toons than yours or less experienced players than you can get you killed faster than you could have died solo, and sometimes it's impossible to tell exactly why. Some days you get Romulus, some days Romulus gets you.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



What Joe said.

And my two cents: Make sure you're monitoring your resistance. Romans have high defense, and it's possible your eclipse wasn't hitting enough enemies to max your resistance.

On top of that, the biggest problem comes when the cimerorans start debuffing your defense. Base chance to hit players is only 50%, but those nasty roman wannabes drop your base defense to the point where they have a 95% chance to hit you, essentially making you take double damage from everything. Salt on the wound is the fact that the bosses (and maybe the others, I'm not sure) can land critical hits. If they're hitting every swing and critting like crazy, I don't care how much resist you have, you're going to drop.

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Hi guys

Yeah I think it was just an awful group. Never been beaten to that extent though, so maybe there was a hidden challenge. The team were wandering off. I think the leader disappeared for a period of time whilst they changed the rep, right in the middle of a mission!!! There were some lazy ones as well who didn't go to hospital when the rest of the team did. I'll chalk it up to a bad team experience.
The annoying thing was the amount of damage I could pump out when I didn't have to tank. I was ripping through the romans with my lovely squid attacks.
The group eventually gave up as we couldn't even take out the control panel.

I knew it couldn't be anything to do with my wonderful warshade



Originally Posted by Lady_McDeath View Post
The group eventually gave up as we couldn't even take out the control panel.
2 brutes, a 'troller, 2 scrappers, a blaster? I keep repeating that to myself in disbelief. 2 brutes, a 'troller, 2 scrappers, a blaster,

Not enough damage to take out the control panel with a perma-eclipsed WS at their side. Yeah. Bad group.

EDIT - btw, niiice name.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies