Cathedral of Pain - how to organize




I joined as a Pug on a Cathedral run last night.

It failed, not just failed but failed beyond failure.

If I may I would like to point out things I learned while we were trying to discover how to take Hamidon down back before anyone but a select group of all Rad Defenders did it.

1. Organize in Galaxy City - Atlas is too busy and everyone gets distracted.

2. Have a channel for JUST RAID LEADERS. The teams will get information from the leader of the team.

3. Define the goals SIMPLY.
Step 1 defeat Rularuu at the gate you are assigned and the 3 leaders should know BEFORE you enter who EXACTLY is going to what gate. The best way is name each team a gate name from the start. As you are invited say - Welcome to team Woe. As you enter the Zone - stay put and player XX will be teleporting you all to the correct location.

Step 2 - Once the Rularuu are defeated begin taking down the gate and try and hold it near 20% until we are sure of the rate each group is doing damage. Once all are at 20% if one group is slower let them start increasing damage FIRST and then everyone else watches the bars and balance it out.

Step 3 - The Gates are down the SAME player who tp'd you - or one IMMEDIATELY designated goes to the new location and brings the team in.


1. Mixture of team make up - you must have damage and a healing sheild and this REQUIRES you to stay grouped. You need aggro control and buffs/debuffs.

2. Teleportation - one or more with group TP

3. Rez ability from temp powers or inherint

4. Healing shield

5. Buffs/debuffs

The thing last night fell apart due to one team scattering and this caused them to not have a healing shield - some attacked the gate and not the Rularuu first and as they started to die the Rularuu destroyed the rest. With too many melee in the group they could not defeat the ranged bosses and the team stalled and the gate never went down.

It is not really hard just a few things you need and it can be easy - number 1 is leadership.



*Type in Sg Channel* (as in custom global channel not default sg channel)

- Yo, who is down for CoP?

If any interest, grab 2 team leaders, that are willing and trust they can somehow make balanced teams.

*spam all channels you have (global channel cap at 10, +coalition) *

Msg : Red Side CoP forming meet in Port Oakes, near base portal for team formation.
Msg : Blue Side CoP forming meet in Indy Port, near base portal for team formation.

You can pick other zones, but I'm use to pick Indy port and PO... those 2 were picked at first, cause the base portal is near the Hospital. (note that a lot of other zone have that attribut).

All 3 team leaders need to be in same SG, so its easy to use SG chat , as as Leader only chat. (to bad for ppl in the sg who are not joining, they get annoyed by our chat :P)

Various ppl (aka PUG) should gather near base portal. if you like the FIFO model, just invite (make the other team leaders invite as well) the ppl that show up first, in the 3 teams.

You can ask they give you a pseudo team composition as you go, on SG chat. EX: "rad troll, rad troll, kin corr, brute, stalker, scrapp still room for 2"

Notes: try to make those teams balanced. But dont try to micro manage everything, just pick ppl that care to join your CoP run. Still, you want some balance between, DPS vs Support.

Each team should have 1 brute or Tank.
Also its best if you have at least 6 ppl with long term -regen (cold, dark, thermal, rad, and psi blaster/dom with drain psyche) over the whole 3 teams.

If you are lucky, you will have that w/out having to stress too much.

Go in base, make sure everyone is in the base.

Open the texte file you saved on your puter, with all the "instructions" you want to give, Copy paste to chat on request channel
(I bet you guys tought i had all those under the form of macros?, nope)

End of th "how to organize" phase.!

Global Co VG's/SG's | xeaon plot
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