its crunch time!
Man LK, I have to be honest; when I saw the title of your post I expected some fiery debate on chips vs. crackers or something. Anyways, jus team meh!
that count is gunna go from 7 to 6, cause i think ima delete my peacebringer.
well, saturday didnt work out quite as planned but i think ima try to see if i can get some good TF teams goin possibly both firday and saturday or one or the other. most likely both days, startin about noon or so and goin till i cant keep my eyeballs open. so if anyone is lookin to run any higher lvl TFs hit me with a tell!
and of course if your on and lookin to join your more than welcome HK.

I had typed a long winded retort, but I can sum it up pretty easily instead:
If you are still crunchy: b2b LGSF lvl45+ RWZ 5p/CST
If anyone else can decode this message, you are welcome to join.
2nite sukka!
I'll make sure of that brutha. Cya then
This thread delivers.
Glad to hear you guys enjoyed it, Thanks to all of you for coming out to play.
Is it on??? Is it getting ON??? Is it crunch time baby???? Guess my global handle and look me up when you need the cruch, fool!
I have received Priority-1 Clearance from the Over-Wife, I am now authorized to unleash indiscriminate justice this evening. I'll bring the rain @ 6pm CST.
No problem, I'm gonna tank up on redbull, so you'll prolly catch me when you get home.
ive got 7 toons between 40 and 48 and theyve been in that range for a while. id like to change that fact and id like pinnacles help. ill be on all day today and ready for TFs/SFs and anything else there is to do as soon as im done respec'n the rest of them into inherent fitness.
im not talkin runnin endless namby pamby speed itfs. ive got time to play the whole TF no matter which tf it may be and leave no stone unturned and no evildooer left alive. so, if you are lookin for one more for your TF or team, dont hesitate to look me up @LKN-351