Praetorian AVs




I'm not sure if this had been suggested before, so figured I'd just post it. With the changes to the Praetorian AVs during Going Rogue, mainly the classification of their AT and sets, can we please update them to reflect the information listed? Seeing Mother Mayhem listed as a Mind/Psi Dominator and only using Will Domination, Subdue, and Psionic Tornado is a bit upsetting.



Originally Posted by Psychic_Bedlam View Post
I'm not sure if this had been suggested before, so figured I'd just post it. With the changes to the Praetorian AVs during Going Rogue, mainly the classification of their AT and sets, can we please update them to reflect the information listed? Seeing Mother Mayhem listed as a Mind/Psi Dominator and only using Will Domination, Subdue, and Psionic Tornado is a bit upsetting.
And we should, perhaps, remove the /energy manipulation from Maelstrom as his secondary.

All in all, I'm on board with this.
but I think whoever wrote the GR character info on the site... was pulling things out of their butts. Well, back stories aside.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
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Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
And we should, perhaps, remove the /energy manipulation from Maelstrom as his secondary.
Given that every time I fight him (Roughly once every five seconds, can he please just DIE already?) he tries to kick me in the face with fancy martial arts moves, this might be a good idea.

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[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
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