Disregard my recent posts..TRAPS/thugs help

Adeon Hawkwood



I have realized that ive been starting WAAAY too many questions in the past week on the forums and so i would like to consolidate all of my posts questions and the few new ones i have into this post....

1)does the - speed stack from multiple caltrops being placed at once?

2)I heard that by placing procs into triage beacon you can make it provide +recovey to everyone in the radius, but i dont believe it is true, just want confirmation?

3)By having multiple acid mortars out at once the -RES will stack because its coming from a "pet" and not the same caster right?

4)Is softcapping my pes or myself more important for PVE, because im finding it hard to do both?

5)do pretty much all thugs need a few endurance reduction in them? because it seems to me they are ALWAYS low on end

6) how much -regen is considered flooring an AV?

7)is DAM RES resited by AVS as they do many debuffs?

8)how much def do enforcers provide unslotted?

9) any future questions i have will be posted on this post so check back often please thank you all to who reply

Jordon Justice



Originally Posted by Jordon_Justice View Post
1)does the - speed stack from multiple caltrops being placed at once?

2)I heard that by placing procs into triage beacon you can make it provide +recovey to everyone in the radius, but i dont believe it is true, just want confirmation?
Correct, they buff you not the target.

3)By having multiple acid mortars out at once the -RES will stack because its coming from a "pet" and not the same caster right?

4)Is softcapping my pes or myself more important for PVE, because im finding it hard to do both?
Depends on style. Softcapping yourself is more useful if you use Provoke + attacks to pull aggro onto yourself. Softcapping pets is better if you let them take the aggro.

6) how much -regen is considered flooring an AV?
I think it should be 666% since the minimum is -100% and AVs have 85% resistance to -regen but I could be wrong.

7)is DAM RES resited by AVS as they do many debuffs?
They don't resist damage resistance specifically. However all enemies that have damage resistance do resist damage resistance debuffs and most AVs have at least some damage resistance.