Assistance to a player returning after couple of years?

Adeon Hawkwood



So I'm returning after a 3-5 year hiatus! (crazy I know) Where I played the game with my brother and some friends when CoH was first released, then also CoV. We then stopped playing after several character re-designs and never reached level 50 in either CoH or CoV! (Disappointing, I know!) We've come back to the game several times, only to grind a bit, then leave without looking or appreciating any updates made to the game. Now we're back, and I can safely speak for all of us.. we're addicted once again! We're now finally approaching level 50 and I have to ask, what is there to do at endgame?? Can someone please, please, please give me a site that would explain such things? I can learn about the new HO's and IO's on my own ( I assume the wiki can tell me about that stuff?), I'm more interested in story arcs! We've joined several lvl 50 teams in PI and they've done missions with the Statesmen! ( this may not be a big deal to many of you, but to us we've been wondering when the heck we'd see him!) How do you get such an arc? I also hear of an arc where the Praetorian emperor (Cole) actually kidnaps Statesmen and we have to rescue him? (I'm not sure if this is true, read this in another forum discussing the GR which is awesome!) The reason I've decided to ask this is because I recently discovered something called "The midnight arc". Had I not been told about this, I would've never gone back to Steel canyon and entered the University. I haven't completed the arc yet, but as I understand if gives me access to a new zone?

Merits - I understand how to obtain them and what they're for (To buy SO's)
Vanguard Merits - Learned about them after our first Rikti raid (still figuring out what they're for)
Tips - are these just random missions like radio missions?
dayjob - what is the purpose of these missions?

Please include anything else I might have forgotten to ask!

Thank you, thank you, thank you in advance for the help!!

Oh yes, and is PvP dead? I loved that zone back in the '05 days! (haven't been to the higher level PvP zone, just hit 42) We're on the Freedom Server



Here is all the End Game stuff that CoH as.

If you have Going Rogue, then you can start the Incarnate System. Which is the new/start of End Game for CoH.

As for PvP it had a Big change in I13 that a lot of people didn't like. Most people I know don't PvP that much anymore. If you play on Freedom, which I think where most people who PvP play, you should see people there.

The Merits really shouldn't be use to buy SO's. That really is a waste you can get so much more out of them buys stuff from Invention System Some of the stuff you can buy will sell over 200 million at Wentworth. You can do random rolls or save up merits to buy a IO that you would like to sell or want. You don't need to use the Invention System but you can make a lot of Inf just selling stuff you don't need to make inf to buy SO's.

Tips are just random mission if you don't have Going Rogue.

Day jobs are just badges, that give you temp powers you can use.
Vanguard Merits- You can make costume parts or make temp with them too at the Vanguard Crafting Table

Here is the link to Wiki

it as all the info you could want but feel free to ask more questions.

"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time"- Chesty Puller US Marine Corps



Originally Posted by badabing View Post
So I'm returning after a 3-5 year hiatus! (crazy I know) Where I played the game with my brother and some friends when CoH was first released, then also CoV. We then stopped playing after several character re-designs and never reached level 50 in either CoH or CoV! (Disappointing, I know!) We've come back to the game several times, only to grind a bit, then leave without looking or appreciating any updates made to the game. Now we're back, and I can safely speak for all of us.. we're addicted once again! We're now finally approaching level 50 and I have to ask, what is there to do at endgame?? Can someone please, please, please give me a site that would explain such things? I can learn about the new HO's and IO's on my own ( I assume the wiki can tell me about that stuff?), I'm more interested in story arcs! We've joined several lvl 50 teams in PI and they've done missions with the Statesmen! ( this may not be a big deal to many of you, but to us we've been wondering when the heck we'd see him!) How do you get such an arc? I also hear of an arc where the Praetorian emperor (Cole) actually kidnaps Statesmen and we have to rescue him? (I'm not sure if this is true, read this in another forum discussing the GR which is awesome!) The reason I've decided to ask this is because I recently discovered something called "The midnight arc". Had I not been told about this, I would've never gone back to Steel canyon and entered the University. I haven't completed the arc yet, but as I understand if gives me access to a new zone?

Merits - I understand how to obtain them and what they're for (To buy SO's)
Vanguard Merits - Learned about them after our first Rikti raid (still figuring out what they're for)
Tips - are these just random missions like radio missions?
dayjob - what is the purpose of these missions?

Please include anything else I might have forgotten to ask!

Thank you, thank you, thank you in advance for the help!!

Oh yes, and is PvP dead? I loved that zone back in the '05 days! (haven't been to the higher level PvP zone, just hit 42) We're on the Freedom Server

Completing tips earns you credit towards an Alignment Merit (A merit) -- complete 10 tips (but max of 5 per day per character) and the morality mish you get after the 10 tips, and you earn one A merit. Go in Fort Trident in Atlas Park to see what A merits can buy.



Originally Posted by badabing View Post
Merits - I understand how to obtain them and what they're for (To buy SO's)
Not quite, they CAN be used to buy SOs but the main use of them is to get IO recipes. Additionally characters of the Hero and Villain Alignments can trade them for Alignment merits which also allow you to buy IO recipes but have a better exchange rate (needless complication FTW)

Tips - are these just random missions like radio missions?
Yes and no. They are actually fixed missions (although they are randomly selected from a list of 10 or so based on your level). However they do have a purpose. You can only do 5 a day but if you do this for two days (i.e. a total of 10) and make the same alignment choice for each one you will get a morality mission. Doing the morality mission will either reaffirm your current alignment (awarding you merits or alignment merits) or allow you to change alignment to the one you selected int he tip missions.

The alignments are:
Hero -> Vigilante -> Villain -> Rogue -> Hero

Maintaining an alignment for seven days grants you a special alignment power. Vigilantes and Rogues are able to visit both Paragon City and the rogue isles however depending on their base alignment they will only be able to do radio/newspaper missions in the other city. Heros and Villains get alignment merits (either by reaffirming thier morality or trading regular merits) which allow them to buy more IOs.

dayjob - what is the purpose of these missions?
Well technically dayjobs are badges. If you log out in a location you get a temporary, very minor, bonus when you log back in. If you do so for 21 days in the same location (non-consecutively) you get a badge and a slightly better temp power.



Originally Posted by badabing View Post
The reason I've decided to ask this is because I recently discovered something called "The midnight arc". Had I not been told about this, I would've never gone back to Steel canyon and entered the University. I haven't completed the arc yet, but as I understand if gives me access to a new zone?
Yes, the zone is called Cimerora. It is a zone set in ancient Rome (actually an island occupied by Romans), it has a few story arcs in it and a very popular Task Force called the Imperious Task Force (ITF for short) It is one of the most popular TFs in the game, largely due to the fact that it can be run by anyone level 35 or higher who has access to the zone. I'll leave it at that in order to preserve the "WHOA" response from people who have never run it (It's kind of "business as usual" after running it hundreds of times, but it's got some cool moments for first timers)

Tips - are these just random missions like radio missions?
Yes and no. You get Tips randomly for defeating level 20+ enemies (it doesn't matter if they are gray to you, only their level matters). Tip missions are how you switch from hero to villain or vice versa, and if you choose to remain a hero or villain you can get Alignment Merits.

Oh yes, and is PvP dead? I loved that zone back in the '05 days! (haven't been to the higher level PvP zone, just hit 42) We're on the Freedom Server
PvP isn't quite dead yet, but it has undergone MASSIVE changes since you were last here. I won't go into all what has changed, but PvP barely even resembles PvE anymore. You should find some activity in Recluse's Victory (40-50 PvP zone) on Freedom if you want to check out what has changed.

Word of warning: The PvPers on Freedom have some truly insane builds. If you walk in with just an SO build you will very likely get smeared across the floor. You might be able to find someone that will help you figure it out, but I wouldn't necessarily count on it. There are some decent enough people there, but there are also a bunch that will gank you and laugh about it while you're trying to figure out what just happened.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.