More Fun With Doppelgangers




Hey I did the Positron TF a while back and noticed that in one of the missions every member of the team had their own Doppelganger. We started with 8 people but were at 7 when we did this. That mission seemed to be set up so it some how knows exactly how many people to copy.

I was wandering because I'm currently using 1 or 2 Doppelgangers per mission in my own story archs and I want to make this more fun for teams and give every member of a team a Dopperganger without the risk of just having 8 copies of one character should someone want to solo it.

So basically is there a way to sent up the Doppelganger so it knows how many people there are to make copies of. If this isn't currently possible or is possible and you know how to do it let me know. Thanks.



I haven't played with the option that much yet, but from what I can tell you wouldn't be able to set it up in the exact same way as done in the Positron 1 Task Force. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, though.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
I haven't played with the option that much yet, but from what I can tell you wouldn't be able to set it up in the exact same way as done in the Positron 1 Task Force. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, though.
I figured it might be one of the "You can't do that -YET-" options which is why I asked if it's not currently possible.


I was thinking maybe there's a command I could put in the number field that I might not be aware of that could multiply by the number of team mates.

It's still a fun option to play with as is, just wishing I could do more with it.