Demon/Dark or Demon/Therm for PvP?





Which is stronger in pvp and why: demon/dark or demon/thug? does it depend on if it's arena or zone?


Also, if anyone could point me to a demon/therm guide or demon/dark guide that would be great.



By the way, which pair do you think would have an easier time killing a -regen scrapper and why?



IMO if you are looking for something to kill regens in duels, I'd say pick Dark over Thermal.


1. Dark has a bigger heal
2. Howling Twilight (Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect) Foe Disorient, -Regeneration, -Recharge, -Speed Ally Resurrect)
3. Twilight Grasp (Ranged Foe -Regeneration, -Damage, -To-Hit Team Heal)
4. Dark Servant (Team Heal)

I think Dark has more to give than thermal towards -regen. Thermal on the other hand is great for -end as well as -regen and Dark has no -recovery power.




So, I'm looking at Thermal and the only power that I see has a -regen is Heat Exhaustion. Quite frankly, the main reason why I'm considering thermal is because of the bigger aoe heal (no hit check required) and heat exhaustion. I just don't know how good or reliable the power is. Without enhancements, it apparently takes 120s for the power to recharge before I can use it a second time.

Also, folks in game have suggestions that a reason why dark may be weaker than therm late game is because, somehow, the dark debuffs are just not as strong at higher levels. I'm not sure how true that is.

Thanks for the response and I look forward to more comments.