Superbase Storage Inventory





There are plenty of SG's that let certain members use bins for additional personal storage, and it's nobody's business what they choose to store in those bins.



Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
people can already see who is storing what in those, and the intention of the base storage is communal, if an individual group allows it for personal storage, that is an outlier situation beyond the intent
No they can't. Base architects allow players to set up private rooms in bases which are walled off from the rest of the base. The only people with access to those spots are the ones that are allowed base editing permission.

The concept of communal storage went out the window when the devs chose to remove pathing restrictions in Issue 13 which allowed the creation of isolated secret rooms inside of bases and killed it off entirely with the creation of the Super Leader rank and the addition of rank permissions on individual bins in Issue 14. The super leader the the defacto owner of the SG and everything in it. Lock stock and barrel. The Super Leader can restrict bin access to himself or even kick everyone form an SG if he wants and keep everything for himself. Customer Service/GM's will not get involved in an SG's internal politics.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
No they can't. Base architects allow players to set up private rooms in bases which are walled off from the rest of the base. The only people with access to those spots are the ones that are allowed base editing permission.

The concept of communal storage went out the window when the devs chose to remove pathing restrictions in Issue 13 which allowed the creation of isolated secret rooms inside of bases and killed it off entirely with the creation of the Super Leader rank and the addition of rank permissions on individual bins in Issue 14. The super leader the the defacto owner of the SG and everything in it. Lock stock and barrel. The Super Leader can restrict bin access to himself or even kick everyone form an SG if he wants and keep everything for himself. Customer Service/GM's will not get involved in an SG's internal politics.
in other words, anybody with the proper permissions may get in and see what is being stored

and given that all I suggested was that anybody with the proper permissions be able to look and see what is there from their supergroup menu on streets...there is no less privacy for your outlier groups

and again, that is an outlier group not the standard

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
there is no less privacy for your outlier groups

and again, that is an outlier group not the standard
Outlier groups? Prove it. Link the official datamining from NCSoft that confirms that statement.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Outlier groups? Prove it. Link the official datamining from NCSoft that confirms that statement.
okay, poor use of outlier...unintended is more appropriate.

Still, my suggestion would provide no more or less exposure for those that are using the groups storage for personal storage. They are still vulnerable to somebody else with base editing permissions stealing their storage, up to and including the leader.

If a team doesn't want the items displayed to everybody else they just have to set the permissions to leader only.

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
okay, poor use of outlier...unintended is more appropriate.

Still, my suggestion would provide no more or less exposure for those that are using the groups storage for personal storage. They are still vulnerable to somebody else with base editing permissions stealing their storage, up to and including the leader.

If a team doesn't want the items displayed to everybody else they just have to set the permissions to leader only.

Since we have individual security permissions for our bins now, have you considered a public/private list setting for the bins? That way all bins set to public would list their contents, but the private ones would be filtered out.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Since we have individual security permissions for our bins now, have you considered a public/private list setting for the bins? That way all bins set to public would list their contents, but the private ones would be filtered out.
sounds fine to me, I just would like to be able to pull up a list of what's in the base without having to go through every static team uses communal salvage for the most part, heck, even if its in personal storage if someone asks for it and we don't need it we turn it over, so you could say that we've gone the reverse and made all the personal salvage into group salvage.

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
... I just would like to be able to pull up a list of what's in the base without having to go through every bin...
My solution to this has been to pseudo-alphabetize my salvage. Even though the bins themselves don't actually alphabetize (which I would love to see), I've assigned each bin a "letter group" like so; A-C, D-F, G-L, M-Q, R-S, T-Z. I don't sort by rarity, so all I have to do is go to the appropriate letter group to see if I have any particular thing.

Personally, I think tweaking the bins so that they will alphabetize their items would be a more functional improvement.

That said, there is a related suggestion on the Big List for Base Love... that is to allow the base crafting tables to "read" what we have in storage, much like the IO crafting table/recipes can read what you have on your toon.

And Forbin, although I understand your point about "private" storage, base storage was never really intended to be used that way. You have your toon, your gleemail, and your vault for private storage. Even the permissions are set by rank, not by global, so setting up "private" storage is just people's clever usage of a security feature.


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