Fear me!!!
I hear Mind Control Domi's and Trollers are good at keeping people feared. Also a necro/dark MM. Or howabout an illusion Controller?

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.
Cloak of Fear is great for keeping the minions in line, but it wont lock down the lieutenants or bosses without extra help. If you were Dark/Dark you could use Touch of Fear with the Cloak and put the fear of you into bosses with only one application. Since Fraidy Cat is Claws/Dark youre stuck with the Presence Pool to supply that extra dose of boo since none of the Epic sets for scrappers have Fearsome Stare as an option. You may just have to look at ways of increasing your recharge to make the Presence Pool powers more palatable.
I've been told that sometimes my lucidity is frightening.
Your logic is no match for concentrated stupid. - Organica
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Stop the catgirl rampage! #66361
Very few mobs have resistance to fear. Lt.s and bosses require greater mag to be feared but CoF still affects them. I've generally dismissed Presence pool but Stamina inherent, such builds could be more viable. You'll just need to focus on recharge.
Another power you can grab is the Vigilante Fear Incarnate alignment power.
Hey everyone,
I'm just about to hit level 50 with my Claws/ Dark Armor scrapper. She's named Fraidy Kat and I've been trying to make a decent build for her that would do the fear part justice. It's just that it seems that the fear powers really don't work all that well. I mean, Cloak of Fear doesn't seem to do anything since it's mag 2, and for some odd reason, many enemies are resistant to that, until you throw a Intimidate or Invoke Panic on them. Which isn't so bad, but the recharge on both those powers are really way too long. So maybe I can keep them feared for a little bit.
I know the Incarnate Cardiac Boost will really help with her end problems and make the fear duration longer, but and anyone help me make a decent build that will make the bad guys shake in their boots?