Application was unable to start




So I just installified Win 7 64 bit and I'm trying to run COH, updater starts fine but after clicking accept on the EULA, it gives the error "Application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000142) Click OK to close the aplication." I found 1 other thread on this which didn't say what the problem was or how to resolve it, and I didn't see anynthing in the pinned threads I looked at. Did I miss something on the forums here or is there something I need to do to get this running?



Well... I'm not really sure what I did, but after updating my audio drivers, installing more ram, and restarting, it seems to be functional. Best I can guess is the restart did it, but I'd already restarted once to try & fix it w/ no luck.

No idea what happened.



Remember, under Windows 7, you have to run it as administrator if you installed to the default location.