CoX, windows, what?




Co-lateral damage, or coincidence?
The latest issue installing seems to have messed up my firefox settings.

I set the colors and font sizes to be easy on my aging eyes. Problem?

After installing the latest patch, my firefox browser will no longer change the size of the fonts on both links and text.(it uses the websites choice of sizing)
I cant seem to make it back to where it was. Am I missing something in my firefox controls?

Dr Tanaka 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Cool MacCool 50 AR/Ice Blaster
Cold MacCool 50 ice/ice Blaster
Alura Darkstone 41 Brute Dark/Stone
Dr Akanat 40 Brute Stone/Stone
and many more



Originally Posted by Tonaka View Post
Co-lateral damage, or coincidence?
The latest issue installing seems to have messed up my firefox settings.

I set the colors and font sizes to be easy on my aging eyes. Problem?

After installing the latest patch, my firefox browser will no longer change the size of the fonts on both links and text.(it uses the websites choice of sizing)
I cant seem to make it back to where it was. Am I missing something in my firefox controls?
CoX installing messed up firefox? Sounds fishy to me. Sounds like something autoinstalled at the same time.



This is not unprecedented. When I change the gamma of the game and tab to firefox, it changes the brightness of the web page. (I use this to know when I have finished a long load up!) The page lightens when the zone load up is complete.

Dr Tanaka 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Cool MacCool 50 AR/Ice Blaster
Cold MacCool 50 ice/ice Blaster
Alura Darkstone 41 Brute Dark/Stone
Dr Akanat 40 Brute Stone/Stone
and many more