Mender Ramiel question......




This is killing me about my lev 50 Elec/Elec/Mu Brute.
I have done the Mender Ramiel Incarnate Introduction arc on almost all my 50s by now except he tells my Brute the following;
" Settle anything that you need to finish and then speak with me, Patrick of Magellen." (My Brute's name)
Odd thing is..... he doesn't have any "open missions" and under the "active contacts" he has only 3 of them that hasn't even been started.
(Crimson, Admissions Officer Lenk, and Unai Kemen)
Since he is a Brute at one time obviously he was a Villian but is a Hero now and when he was a Villian I made sure to finish arcs with him.
Any ideas come to mind? I do NOT want to go back to being a villian for this..... sigh

@Patrick Magellen
Infinity & Freedom Servers!



Check your Inactive tab to see if there actually is some arcs you forgot to finish off. If there is, you'll unfortunately have to switch back to clean up.

On the bright side, after you clean up an arc or two, you'd be able to do Mender Ramiel on Villainside while you are waiting for your cooldown to come back to Heroside.



Damn.... that is what I was afraid of

@Patrick Magellen
Infinity & Freedom Servers!