Psi Melee and Psi Armor




Just wondering if someone knows a thread where this has been discussed? I have been fleshing out some ideas for the hell of it for a Psi melee and Psi Armor based set. There are some elements of the epics and some knockup and such. If anyone has seen anything let me know if not, just reply and I'll show you what I've got so far as a work in progress.




Ok so a few people poked their heads in here and looked but no posts so here is what I whipped together for a first try on these two sets as unlikely they'll make them.

I'm really really not concerned with that old (-recharge is bad for fury argument there are other powersets that are counterproductive to that end so let's leave that out of this)

REVISED 12-10-10 7pm EST
Psi Melee

1. Mind Tap -minor single target damage (smash/psi) -recharge
2. Mind Probe-moderate single target damage (smash/psi) chance for stun -recharge
3. Brain Wreck -high single target damage (Psi) mag 2 or 3 stun
4. Psi Absorption- "Soul Drain" type power to buff Only your Psi Damage
5. Psionic Microburst-Cone power that would be applied like Jacob's Ladder but would Knock UP with moderate smashing damage (Psi dmg) a microburst is a small confined tornado
6. Taunt
7.Blinding Thoughts- a PbAoE Debuff of either -to hit or -perception
8. Psy Tornado-High Damage short ranged targeted AoE power similar to Psi tornado with knockup (Psi/Smash)
9.Psychic Wail-PbAoE mini nuke in the vein of the VEATS that get it, no crash just high to superior damage long (cooldown) (PSI DMG)

Psi Armor-an emphasis on protection from non physical mez effects such as Fear/Confuse

1. Mind Over Body - Smash/Lethal/Psi ResistanceTOGGLE
2. Psi Shards - PbAoE psionic damage TOGGLE
3. Elemental Fortitude- Fire/Cold and lesser Energy/Neg Energy resistance TOGGLE
4. Indomitable Will- click mez protection Stun/Sleep/Confuse/Fear/Placate CLICK
5. Drain Psyche - the same from the other sets
6. Clairvoyance- Auto +Perception +Psi Resistance (like 5% base depending on AT) CLICK {again probably a mule for an IO here)
7. Precognition - +Recharge + Run Speed AUTO
8. Visualization - Click -to hit -Perception TO ENEMY (PBAoE debuff) CLICK
9. Out of Body Experience- CLICK 30% Defense to all +50% recharge, when activated and when crashing there will be a period of intangibility occuring of approx 3-5 secs as you're leaving and re-entering the body.

The way the mez protection is built you'd have to go elsewhere for KB and Immobilize protection among others..

This is really All I've got at the moment, if there are other threads I can't find them the search feature lets me down every time.Thanks for taking a look and any comments are welcome.



Here's my take, with lmt1979's ideas as well.

Psionic Melee
Mind Tap- Minor ST Attack
Mind Probe- Clone of the Dom version
Brain Wrack- High DMG ST attack
Mental Fortitude- Build Up
Psionic Microburst- Jacob's Ladder type attack
Refocus- Taunt
Memory Wipe- Superior DMG Stun
Brainwave- cone Moderate DMG
Mental Breakdown- Extreme DMG ST attack

Mental Armor
Mind Over Body- S/L/Psi
Brain Static- PBAoE DMG Aura
Self Awareness- Elemental/Energy Defense
Indomitable Will- Psi Defense/Mez Protection
Drain Psyche- Much weaker version, boosts recovery and heals per enemy
Like A Steel Trap- Self +Res (Psi, -Perception, -ToHit)
Quick Thinking- 20% Run/Fly/Recharge Bonus
Mind Over Matter- Fiery Embrace power, but with Psi DMG
Out of Body Experience- Same as LMT listed

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



First let me direct you to the suggestion forum:

Now, I see an issue with Psi Armor. It doesn't give too many things Dark Armor doesn't(amazing psi protection and tricks). You can already color Dark Armor to fit your theme and get similar results.

Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster



Psi Armor = Willpower

There was a discussion a while back about a Psi Melee set. It was put to a vote, along with, among other choices, Dual Blades I believe. Dual Blades obviously won. However, it could still come about in the future.

I'm interested in seeing what a Psi Melee set would be like. It would likely have attacks similar to Psionic Assault, but the example of Psylocke from the comics implies that some sort of blades or knives could be manifested as one or two attacks from the set.



Just a quick constructive comment: I'd switch powers 3 and 5 in the Psionic Melee to keep the power order in line with other melee sets (DB, Fire, Elec)



Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
Psi Armor = Willpower
As I originally proposed in this thread Psi Armor is entirely Resistance based with the exception of the Out of Body Experience tier 9 power (which has some different dynamics with the intangibility element) the tier 9 would be the ONLY defensive power something more like this: (taking some ideas/names from Nalrok:

I wouldn't want the set to be a new kinetic melee with all the single target BS but a mix of AoEs, PBAoEs and a Cone with the first few attacks single target. I DO want the set to be able to do some debuffing in the realm of perception and/or to hit along with ***some -recharge.


Psi Melee

1. Mind Tap -minor single target damage (smash/psi) -recharge
2. Mind Probe-moderate single target damage (smash/psi) chance for stun -recharge
3. Brain Wreck -high single target damage (Psi) mag 2 or 3 stun
4. Psi Absorption- "Soul Drain" type power to buff Only your Psi Damage
5. Psionic Microburst-Cone power that would be applied like Jacob's Ladder but would Knock UP with moderate smashing damage (Psi dmg) a microburst is a small confined tornado
6. Taunt
7.Blinding Thoughts- a PbAoE Debuff of either -to hit or -perception
8. Psy Tornado-High Damage short ranged targeted AoE power similar to Psi tornado with knockup (Psi/Smash)
9.Psychic Wail-PbAoE mini nuke in the vein of the VEATS that get it, no crash just high to superior damage long (cooldown) (PSI DMG)

Psi Armor-an emphasis on protection from non physical mez effects such as Fear/Confuse

1. Mind Over Body - Smash/Lethal/Psi ResistanceTOGGLE
2. Psi Shards - PbAoE psionic damage TOGGLE
3. Elemental Fortitude- Fire/Cold and lesser Energy/Neg Energy resistance TOGGLE
4. Indomitable Will- click mez protection Stun/Sleep/Confuse/Fear/Placate CLICK
5. Drain Psyche - the same from the other sets
6. Clairvoyance- Auto +Perception +Psi Resistance (like 5% base depending on AT) CLICK
7. Precognition - +Recharge + Run Speed AUTO
8. Visualization - Click -to hit -Perception TO ENEMY (PBAoE debuff) CLICK
9. Out of Body Experience- CLICK 30% Defense to all +50% recharge, when activated and when crashing there will be a period of intangibility occuring of approx 3-5 secs as you're leaving and re-entering the body.