Is it just me or does the arctic designs look a little to female?




Trying to make an kin/ice defender now and wow not much of a choice except colors but arctic in full looks to girly for me, I wonder what other designs I can make look ice like dont think there is anything else.



You could try to go native. You can't do the shoulder fur but the battle Kilt all one color should work pretty well. The gloves and boots are banded. Rough Leather texture and color scheme.

The toon I borrowed this look from is somewhere in the "best coustumes ever" thread. I'm almost positive it was a female but she had a different color scheme and used bone parts on the shoulders and belt. If this was a direction you wanted to go, I'm sure there's plenty of pieces that would work.



If you have the Mutant booster pack (I think it's that one - best check to be sure) you might want to look at Organic Armor - it can look a little like shards of ice, I guess.

That's a pretty chilly jockstrap, mind you...



happens i have an ice toon too, heh. i think the omega armour is quite icy looking, this is my Earth/Ice Dom the Sub Zero Man, earth coloured like ice of course click pic for ref shots.

My Mini-Comic
AE arc id: 464928



While these are good I do not have the orgins pack yet but wow that one is my favorite, anyone have any others? Decided to try an ice/ice blaster now was not a fan of kientics hehe.



This is Icicool, my first ever character. I was obsessed with making an Ice/Ice character, and this was the result. The costume is a bit simplistic, but I feel it captures the "superhero" look perfectly.

The thoroughbred of sin.



Originally Posted by Angelofvalor View Post
While these are good I do not have the orgins pack yet but wow that one is my favorite, anyone have any others? Decided to try an ice/ice blaster now was not a fan of kientics hehe.
Not sure what you mean by Origins pack, the Organic Armor is from the Mutant pack and the Omega bits are from GR.

Be Well!



I am getting the mutant pack tonight this will go perfectly.