Cathedral of Pain/Rikti Raid/Cathedral of Pain SIGNUP - 12/19/2010
Have emailed me already:
@voltmeter2 - BLUE (Mental Misfit; fire/mental manip. blaster)
@OmegaKnightstar - BLUE (Etenos' Champion; bs/inv scrapper)
@2BeOrNot2Be - BLUE (ill/kin controller)
@Endless Time - RED (Siluria; mind/kin controller)
@Draconis 1 - RED (Evil Bad Guy; fire/elec brute)
@Draconis 1's wife - RED (Flaming Amy; fire/kin corruptor)
@Draconis 1 - BLUE (Gamesman; archery/fire blaster)
@Draconis 1's wife - RED (Pink Ice Princess; Ice/Ice blaster)
@Capt. Obvious - BLUE (Capt. Obvious; AR/Dev blaster)
@Grease Monkah - BLUE (Rixev; kinetic melee/WP scrapper)
@Alleandros - BLUE (kin/psi defender)
@agentzed - BLUE (.Insert Name Here; claws/invul scrapper)
@Ampithere - BLUE (Ampithere; broadsword/invul scrapper)
@Ampithere - RED (Vauluur; warshade)
@Ariel' - BLUE (elec/elec blaster)
@Vivixien - RED (Viv; brute)
Mal - RED (Mal; mastermind)
@Damon Etats - BLUE (Damon Eht; Dark/Dark/Dark defender)
@Mind Over Matter - RED (traps corruptor)
@Ultimate Gate - RED (Bizarro Shiva; ice/cold dom corruptor)
@Omega Shockwave
Server: Guardian
SG: The Omega Revolution
VG: none
I will be working like a dog that weekend, so I won't be able to make it. Good luck with the runs and hopefully I will be able to do the next run on location in Colombia.
Global: @Armeros
City Info Terminal - Armeros
City Of Heroes - Guardian Server page on Facebook
"Official Park Ranger of the Shadow Shard"
Not looking good so far...
It's been busy with work this week for me so I haven't been able to recruit for this 4 to 5 days ahead of time... but I shouldn't have to keep doing that.
@Omega Shockwave
Server: Guardian
SG: The Omega Revolution
VG: none
Since the Texans play the early game, and last week was the Season FInale of Dexter, I can make the Blue Side Raid, my Merc/Dark MM is a Vig(and has Assualt). I am not Sure about the Red Side, I'd like to make it though with My Ice/Cold Corr.
Yes I know, the Texans are like soft core porn, you see them doing it, but never see them finish. But what is a fan to do...
@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill
"Yes I know, the Texans are like soft core porn, you see them doing it, but never see them finish. But what is a fan to do..."
I am a Seahawks fan....we never even get to start....let alone finish.
Global: @Armeros
City Info Terminal - Armeros
City Of Heroes - Guardian Server page on Facebook
"Official Park Ranger of the Shadow Shard"
If there is still room, I have a Traps Corruptor ready for the Redside Raid. Let me know if you need me.
Veridian Dynamics. Mistakes. We all make them. But sometimes mistakes lead to great discoveries. Mistakes are how we learn and grow... so we can do amazing things.
When you think about it, shouldn't you be thanking us for making mistakes? Veridian Dynamics. We're sorry. You're welcome.
Success on both runs!
As of 11am the morning of I only had myself and one other person for the red side run for 5pm. It took until 5:45 to kick off the trial, but can't believe I got one organized that quickly with all things considered. Got Stormy again, but beat him senseless yet another time.
As for the blue CoP, we ended up having someone be afk during the the entire trial (tisk, tisk) and even though we had a whopping ZERO tanks among our three teams, we were still able to take down the Aspect of Rularuu and keep the death toll very low, if there were any at all. Amazing.
@Omega Shockwave
Server: Guardian
SG: The Omega Revolution
VG: none
Team Celtic had several deaths clearing the obelisks but the emp and rad were very quick with the rezes. I know the poor scrapper died twice.
global handle: @Celtic Coders 1, @Celtic Coders 2
Almost forgot...
On the tankless blue CoP, Big Red actually died INSIDE his protective bubble. The mobs around the cubes even were spawned again. The DoT did him in. Anyone else heard of that happening before? Kind of cool/weird.
@Omega Shockwave
Server: Guardian
SG: The Omega Revolution
VG: none
Note: I've got another post that is the schedule for any CoP's that I'll be running. It'll cover my CoP's through the the end of this year and into 2011.
I will be organizing a CoP double-header on Sunday (12/19/2010) at 5pm EST (2pm PST). We'll start gathering in Pocket D approximately 15 min before. If you are interested in running do one of three things.
- Reply to this post
- Send and in game email to @Omega Shockwave
- Send a tell to @Omega Shockwave
Please let me know the name/AT/primary/secondary of the character you'll be bringing. If you have multiple options to bring, that's great, but please let me know who you would prefer to use. This is NOT meant to exclude certain AT's/sets. This is to help assign players to teams as quickly as possible while balancing the teams out properly.(Side Note: If your character has a quirk to it, such a being a tank without taunt or a bubbler/thermal without the shields, please let us know about if ahead of time. And no, it doesn't mean you can't participate, just let us know.)
I'm going to be a little picker about the characters selected for the next few. Mostly this means once certain roles fill up, additional players wishing to participate for the same role, will be listed as an alternate. If we can't find 24 to fill all roles, obviously we'll take what we can get.
I've expanded (and touched up schedule) for The Cathedral of Pain Trial. Here's what it currently is.
4:45pm - Start Gathering in Pocket D (Please show up before 5pm, it helps me a ton with team placements. I'll be in Pocket D at 4:30pm.)
5:00pm - Targeted start time for Red Side CoP. (if we don't have 90% of the 24 person roster by 5:30, I'll call off the Red CoP.
6:15pm - Rikti Raid; One run only, enough so players can get the vanguard heavy. (to begin immediately after the 1st CoP)
7:00pm - Start gathering in Pocket D for the Blue CoP. If you need Shivans, use this time to go get them.
7:30pm - Targeted start time for Blue CoP. (If we don't have 75% of the 24 person roster by 7:45, I'll call off the Blue CoP.
This week the first run will be red side and the second will be blue side. Every week this order will be flipped so that the opposite side starts first. For example, if you set up a character to run a villan/hero morality mission, you'll be able to run your morality mission after/during the rikti raid (if doing this make sure you've got shivans/HVAS taken care of ahead of time) and run 2 CoP's with the same character in the same day. So if you're a rogue and want to run twice this weekend, set up your character so you have done 10 hero alignment missions and only need to grab/run the villain morality mish to become a Hero,
Couple of things...
- Make sure you are of the correct alignment. Blue = Hero & Vigilante; Red = Villain & Rogue
- Have at least 10 or so uses of the Envenomed Dagger at your disposal. Make sure it is in your power tray to use too.
- If you can get Shivans/HVAS, please try to do so. This is not a requirement, but it does help out. A LOT.
- Stock up on inspirations. (details in the guide)
- Actually READ the CoP Guide. Can't stress enough how much this helps out our chances of a successful trial.
- Add yourself to the Guardian CoP Channel. We'll use this channel to communicate during the trial. I will NOT be switching this to the Request channel because my binds don't work for it.
- If you don't know how to get in on the channel, here's how. Right-click in your chat window and select "Channel Search". Type in "guardian" as the search terms and click "Search". Select "Guardian CoP Trial" and click the "Join Channel" button.
- I recommend creating a new chat tab that only displays the Guardian CoP Trial channel.
Other notes:@Omega Shockwave
Server: Guardian
SG: The Omega Revolution
VG: none