Need some inspiration
The helpful bit:
* I've seen someone use a crafted base item as a waterfall
The unhelpful bit:
* I can't remember the name of the item.
A look through my crib sheet of pretty base items doesn't show any candidates. I did wonder if it was disruptor pylons but I can't find a photo of them. I seem to recall it was quite small (wall torch size or smaller), crafted and were set very close together to create the waterfall. I suspect is was an expensive exercise too.
I'm only on tea 2 so I'll keep racking the braincell and try and remember that item.
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Hey thanks Capa! That actually gives me a few ideas. Most excellent!
Hey there folks! The name's Sirken. I reside on Guardian server. I am the leader of a Jedi themed SG and am in the process of trying to recreate the Hall of a Thousand Fountains. Any builders have experience trying to create waterfalls in their bases? I have tried using banners, different lighting, etc. While I had extremely limited success, I am looking to make them look much better. The idea is to create a tranquil area with several waterfalls along the walls and maybe a fountain in the center of the room. This will also be an Ouros room(control room holding the pillar of ice and flame). Though all I really need is some inspiration on creating these infernal waterfalls.