I review Filmation's Ghostbusters





This is my first in a line of positive reviews I'll be doing alongside my regular reviews, that will be known as Forgotten Classics. Of which the main focus will be either things that have gone somewhat forgotten or never really got the appreciation they deserved in the first place.



I don't know that I would call Ghostbusters either a Forgotten Classic or under appreciated. It's very well known and still popular. It spawned a sequel and two cartoon series and another sequel is currently in the works. Now Dark Star, Dark City, Ladyhawke, Silent Running. Those are films I would call forgotten or underappreciated.

I'll watch the review when I get a chance.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



You're thinking of the wrong Ghostbusters.

You're thinking of these guys

I'm talking about these guys



Clearly they did not watch the video.



Well I did say I would watch it when I got a chance. In that case I withdraw my argument and submit instead that Ghostbusters has all the depth and quality of Grape Ape or Jabberjaws. God how I hated that show.

Good review though. If I hadn't actually seen the series before then I would want to check it out.

I'm sure one of your future forgotten classics will be something I loved that everybody else hated. Bionic Six for instance.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Heh... well if you recognized anything in the opening video, I do intend to do all of those eventually as well.