Costume Change Emotes




Is there a way to activate the costume change emote WITHOUT using the menu? A macro of sorts perhaps?



ParagonWiki to the Rescue!

Because the Costume Change Emotes are slash commands, you can easily set them to binds or macros.



Yes. You need the exact / command for each costume change emote, though. Refer to the wiki for the full list.

Example macro would be: /macro C1 "cce 3 CCBackflip"

This would make a macro named C1, where you do a back flip, and change into the costume in the 4th slot. (Costume slots being numbered 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4)

Petey Quick, SL50 Ene/Ene Blapper - Cynapse, SL50 Inv/Ene Tanker
Witchblaze, Fire/Fire Blaster - Lo Ping, MA/Regen Scrapper
Astre, Fire/Kin Controller - Terri Volta, Rad/Rad Defender - Solarkinetic, Peacebringer

Yusaku's Guide to the Energy/Energy BLAPPER



Excellent.... I figured as much, but the marketing piece for it only suggested the menu which had me concerned....
