If and/or when you need real life help....




I came across this thread in the Guardian server section

Please keep this in mind, those of you who pray.

If anyone has any similar types of problems, be it health, finances, whatever and you need prayer, drop me an in game email or forum PM and I'll put your concern on my list. No in game tells, because I can't keep track of all those. It works. You don't even have to be specific. Just a general idea is enough.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Thanks UkaseRex, you are a rare breed indeed, but happy to call you 'friend'...

I've met many really good people on here that I know on a more personal basis and I can asure you that you are one of the kindest and most level headed...