Halloween ToT, Zombie Invasion and Banners




Hi everyone,
Just checking in to see if anyone would like to join me in planning a group of teams to take down the banners for the Halloween event. Additionally, I'd love to get together a team to ToT for the tip missions. I'm interested in getting the badges for both my hero and villain so let me know either via forum or in game if you'd like to team with me and we can hopefully set something up...



How about setting up specific dates/times?

That way I can add it to the calendar, maybe even the Protector Vigilance channel's MOTD, and get everyone coordinated.

Players Guide to the Cities



I figured to make this easier I would set up some times when we could all work on this together.

Friday night 8 pm est for heroes
Sunday night 7 pm est for villains

Let the fun begin!