twin Defenders in awsome STF video



actually spent some time making this video! Plz Enjoy

this was actually just a pug on champion server thru the BMT channel...
Carnal was rolling thru a bunch of TFs the whole night, picking up whoever wanted to join. Finally got into this action on an STF. Not sure about the prior groups, but i had played w/ a couple of the teammates before and consider some of them top elites. Carnal, Demo, & Tony are very strong players. Well, our tanker was pretty rusty self-admittedly lol. First time ive been in a team where we rushed all 4 AV's lol - that was pretty epic for me....

we were so amped up from the action and success that we elected to do a speed Khan TF run and get Masters if it happens. We did in 51min lol



I'm just getting around to watching your other video now I'll check this one out next. Just wanted to say I recently ran a STF with a second trapper on the team and we bum rushed all the AV's too. Good times.



yeah.... its ALL about debuff stacking, when it comes to rolling AV's