Storyline for new Superman movie will be....




Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
I think the issue is that we'd rather see screen time dedicated to other things than the origin, which we already know how it plays out.
Never seen people complain about seeing Batman or Spiderman's origin play out though, especially when it is done as well as it was in the recent versions, and those didn't play out any differently than one would expect. Birthright is a case where it /does/ actually play out differently than most are used to, or would expect.



Originally Posted by Gaderath View Post
I don't get the "I don't want another origin story, everyone knows Superman's origin" stuff.
You have to remember that movie's don't occur in a void. Previous "origin" movies have produced a set of preconceptions through repetition. The biggest of these being "no big super-fights" and may even feature the hero in full costume for a very limited time and/or feature the hero at a lessened power level.

Now, good origin movies DO exist. Spiderman and Batman Begins weren't bad. But notice that most people consider the sequel to be superior. Same for Superman and X-Men. Sometimes, with a more obscure character, it can't be helped. But for someone like Superman, I think they could just give you a general IDEA of his origin through the course of the movie without actually focusing on it.



Originally Posted by Gaderath View Post
Never seen people complain about seeing Batman or Spiderman's origin play out though, especially when it is done as well as it was in the recent versions, and those didn't play out any differently than one would expect. Birthright is a case where it /does/ actually play out differently than most are used to, or would expect.
Probably because in Batman's case we'd be willing to watch anything to erase the memory of Batman & Robin and in Spider-Man's case we hadn't seen the origin on film before.

And one of the major complaints with Superman Returns was that it was too similar to the Donner films and we want to see something new. Superman coming to Earth as a baby from the doomed planet Krypton to be found and raised by the Kents and going to Metropolis to become a reporter for the Daily Planet and deciding to the fight for truth, justice, and the American way are things we saw in the Donner films already and really aren't necessary for us to see again, so there's no point in letting them eat up screen time.

After a movie in which folks thought there was too much of Clark Kent time or a screwed up interpretation of Superman, not to mention a whole TV series that's teased the hell out of Clark suiting up, people want to see Superman in the film early and often. Everything else can be introduced and be laid out as the movie gets rolling.

- CaptainFoamerang

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