New Warshade,looking for tips! :D




hey there guys ^^

so ive mmade a warshade,she's about lvl 7 now and im having a rather tough choice with her.

I've heard about the tri-form builds or just the human/one or the other form builds.

As a first time warshade,what would benefit me? I always liked the look of the Dwarf form (even if its the lobster XD )

But yea..any suggestions would be amazing



Go tri-form first would be my advise.... cus its best to learn the strengths and weaknesses of the varies forms before you start limiting your choices. And you can always respec later once you get a idea to your likes and dislike with Kheldians.

Or do dual builds like I do... My WS has his old Posi TF build (tri-form, nova attacks heavily slotted) and his normal human/dwarf build (fast recharge, near perma-eclipse) I use the rest of the time.

/Empaths can turn three people into Jesus, one person into God, and everyone else into the twelve apostles.~Angry_Citizen

Don't you know that discussion of power selection/slotting can ONLY be based on hearsay, rumor, idle speculation, and bald-faced lies??!? ~Elf_Sniper



Yep, take Nova and Dwarf soon's they open up.

You don't have to slot them, but for leveling purposes you'll want them. It's viable to go purely Human, but you can do so much more content if you have the forms. One mezzing EB is typically enough to hose a Human build prior to you getting some IO sets and your own mez attacks. Dwarf's super handy on Positron and Synapse TFs, as well.

If you must go purely Human, I'd say get to level 32 or so before you try it. You'll want your Gravitic Emanation maxed out as well as have Dark Extraction, or your damage/mez output just won't be good enough to offset losing your other two Forms offensive/defensive capabilities.

"I'm flying free with my beautiful butterfly wings!" ~ Randy Marsh