Enemy Redesign Contest 2




Hah, you thought I forgot didn't you?

Time to put creative minds to work in redesigning a canon group. Spruce them up a bit and/or put your own spin on them. However, at least one of the original group needs to be included in the new one. Don't have arc publishing space? Just upload your enemy group to an online file service.

Enemy groups will be judged on a 5 point scale for Coolness, Competence, and Cohesion. Coolness is the biased style points factor. Competence is how well the enemy group works aka playability. They don't need to be freakish legions of teamwipe but they shouldn't be pushovers either. Cohesion is how well the group seems to work for their stated theme. A magic based group shouldn't have giant mecha without a REALLY good excuse. This is also where typos in the bios and the lack of one of the original mobs will have points deducted.

This week's group shall be:
Diabolique's Spirits
Prize: 50 million inf
Deadline: October 2, 2010



Very tricky.

Honestly, I'm stumped. Anything I could come up with that would match thematically, would be really really annoying. (Already stacked with their Chill of the night and -to hit numbers.)

EDIT: By the way, do they have to match the same origin as the regular ones or can they be an entirely new group?