Lag, Contacts, and the AE Editor

Eva Destruction



I sent an ingame bug report about this a while ago but I think it needs to be brought up again, especially due to how bad it has gotten. After getting a few responses, I'll post another version in the tech forum since I believe it's connected to some other lag problems in the game.

Certain contacts in the editor have a high chance of lagging the game, to the point of sometime crashing the game when you attempt to open the editor. Originally this started at the same time as I17's launch when the numbers on slotted enhancements got super small and the AE editor image of the contact's model got small. The lag got exponentially worse with the release of I18.

I've noticed that recoloring the contacts increases the amount of lag. Also, it seems like the image of the contact is duplicated multiple times. This would explain a lot since it would mean that the engine is rendering the contact multiple times within the editor. Taking into account the fact that one of the contacts I'm using is a recolored Sybil Bramlett, that would mean her four cape systems are being rendered multiple times. Furthermore, I don't remember the game actually animating the cape(s) prior to this in the editor.

My main curiosity is whether or not others have had this problem and what all are they doing to tolerate it. Stop Animation seems to do nothing to help the situation.



While still quite laggy, it seems at some point during the Halloween event patches the contact images are now right sized.