AE Mission Help - Two Questions
You can spawn 'boss', 'patrol' and 'battle' events after the hostage is rescued (afaik there is no limit to the number of these you can trigger off a single event). By making sure you spawn a number of events equal to the number of available boss/patrol/battle spots, you can completely populate the map. (you can surround the bosses with the appropriate villain group, and make the patrols of the appropriate enemy group as well... battles can work if there you want two villain groups fighting each other in the mission)
You can simulate combat by giving a combat animation to the two parties; there are a few with casting spells, firing guns in various body positions, standing in a battle stance / flailing around with some item, etc. You may not have all of these options available for the villain of your choice, though.
-- Z.
Ooooh so basically by taking up all the slots with the spawn event there's 'no room' before they're spawned, right?
As mentioned above you can set the map with no enemies and have "bosses" spawn after the hostage is saved.
Leading up to that point you could have it set so the player has to find the hero on the map, who is looking for the hostage. Once they find/rescue (set the group around the hero to none) the Hero it triggers the next event being another hostage rescue. Once the mobs are taken down it triggers the final event of "boss spawns" (doesnt have to actually be bosses) to populate the map.
Just make sure you use a map that allows enough of each event to set all of those in sequence.
Okay so here's what I am looking to do with my first AE mission. I want to start the map in an outdoors King's Row map, have the map empty no mobs at all. Basically the hero is on patrol and things are quiet....too quiet. They come across a hostage that is in a gun fight with a pair of thugs. Like you see sometimes in CoH, two villains fighting each other but nobody is doing any damage. The hero rescues the hostage, then the map is populated with enemies. This is different than an ambush (I think, I know nothing about AE mission creating), because as opposed to having a rush of villains come at the hero, this causes the mobs to spawn.
So in this is my two questions. How to I make an empty map populate after an event is completed (Click the clickie, save the hostage, etc) and how do I make NPCs fight without damaging each other?