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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
    And the T9 also adds a crash that would likely kill you after it winds down when your Endurance bar is floored and all your toggles drop.
    Does this still work with the T9 crash for /EA?

    Originally Posted by JuliusSeizure View Post
    If you practice enough, you can time Energy Drain to animate a split second before the crash, and grant the +endurance after the crash has taken place.
  2. From Zombie Man's compilation of guides - http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=122411

    All About Incarnate (Alpha through Destiny) Dispari [I20] - http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=257011
    Incarnate Slotting Guide (Alpha through Destiny) DocSharpe [I20] - http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=258234
    A Newbie's Guide To Incarnate "Leveling" PBAtty [I21] - http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=272282
  3. Oberons_Lackey

    Best aoe dmg

    SS/Fire/Elec is definately up there though I think either Fire/SD/Elec or Elec/SD/Elec might surpass it in overall damage due to rage crashes.

    If you herd enough groups together or use elec fence+ball on a close by group while stomping and burning the mobs surrounding you, the -kb won't effect foot stomp all that much.
  4. As mentioned above you can set the map with no enemies and have "bosses" spawn after the hostage is saved.

    Leading up to that point you could have it set so the player has to find the hero on the map, who is looking for the hostage. Once they find/rescue (set the group around the hero to none) the Hero it triggers the next event being another hostage rescue. Once the mobs are taken down it triggers the final event of "boss spawns" (doesnt have to actually be bosses) to populate the map.

    Just make sure you use a map that allows enough of each event to set all of those in sequence.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    It's actually a rare drop so I think you would have to do gold ranges from lvl 10-20


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Silver rolls give rares (oranges), that is the benefit that you get for rolling silver as opposed to bronze. Though some may argue you will still come out ahead rolling bronze due to the ticket cost of each.

    Paragon wiki does not have this as purchasable using tickets which may lend to its scarcity since AE has been a big focal point for alot of people since it came out.
  6. Oberons_Lackey

    Unique build?

    AR/Ice or AR/fire. I hardly ever see either of those two.