Zone Amnesia is back




Long timers will remember this bug. It has to do with the fog of war on city zones. Apparently there is a limit to how many zones the game will remember for a given toon. Once you visit that limit worth of zones, the game can no longer remember fog of war clearing for any additional zones. The fog of war resets for any zones over the limit.

This mostly effected high level toons, who had visited lots of zones, and especially older toons, as there are several zone maps that older toons would have visited that are no longer accessible these days (PDP, Old Faultline, etc). These maps apparently still count to the limit for toons that visited them.

The problem was an annoyance for quite a while, especially after CoV was added. The PvP zones added with CoV pushed many older toons over the limit. Eventually it was quietly fixed.

Now we can see how they fixed it. They simply raised the limit for the number of zones that can be remembered. This worked, until the new limit is reached.

GR has now made the new limit reachable. Yesterday I took my level 50, long timer badge toon through the villain zones, collecting exploration badges. Everything was great until I reached Grandville. The fog of war clearer from the veteran rewards failed to clear Grandville. I was puzzled, but went about collecting badges. I then did a mission and exited. And the fog of war was reset. That's when I remembered Zone Amnesia, and realized that I had hit the new limit.

I'm not sure if it's possible for any toons except older toons to hit the new limit currently. The only other zone I can think of at this point that I have not visited on this toon is the Abyss. And there are at least two zone maps that newer toons cannot visit. But even so, especially if they eventually allow older toons into Praetoria, then lots of toons will be hitting the limits and experiencing the problem.

MA Arc - Gnomish Madness - #30204 - A short, silly little story.

Ms. Tempest - Lvl 50 Storm/Elec Def (577 badges)
Maiden Dark - Lvl 50 Dark/Dark Corr
Moonlight Maiden - Lvl 50 Warshade
Sister Leortha - Lvl 50 Emp/Rad Def
Puffball - Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Triumph Server



Ok. My search-fu is weak today. I tried to search first. Sorry.

MA Arc - Gnomish Madness - #30204 - A short, silly little story.

Ms. Tempest - Lvl 50 Storm/Elec Def (577 badges)
Maiden Dark - Lvl 50 Dark/Dark Corr
Moonlight Maiden - Lvl 50 Warshade
Sister Leortha - Lvl 50 Emp/Rad Def
Puffball - Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Triumph Server