Back with questions.
The Alpha Incarnate Slot was tested during Going Rogue Beta, but was pulled, mostly because there was no Incarnate content to use the new power on. It is supposed to be back closer to Issue 19.
The Cathedral of Pain has indeed been successfully run, and there seem to be more planned all the time here on the forums.
"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."
I was really excited when I heard about the Shadow Shard raid (trail, TF thingy). I know you have to have the three team leaders be in the same SG, with the proper equipment. Has anyone done this yet? Is anyone planning on doing it? If someone has done it, is it worth doing?
The Cathedral of Pain will be run tomorrow night (Friday) at 9pm EST for red side. See the thread started by St0n3y for more details!
[CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=white]The #1 True Villain badge collector on Infinity.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
Thanks for the responses.
Disappionted that the incarnate power was pulled but I'd rather wait. Then have something that doesn't really work or fit right.
On the plus side, if I remember correctly. It's suppose to be pretty hard to earn these powers. So it'll give me a chance to get acouple of toons ready for the task. While I wait. LOL!
I actually did notice the thread and acouple of other ones. An hour or so after I posted. I was tired and just wasn't paying attention. Sadly I'll be working this Friday until 2 AM. , So I wont be able to make it. Hopefully, I'll be able to make it to one very very soon though.
Thanks again and Take Care
Hi everyone, I left acouple of months before going Rogue came out and I've recently came back. I was keeping up with the updates for the new expansion here and there. Now that I'm back, I'm left with acouple of questions.
1. I remember reading that we was going to get one of the ten incarnate powers(or what ever they are) but I don't remember seeing them mentioned in the patch notes. Did we get one and if so, how do you get it?
2. I was really excited when I heard about the Shadow Shard raid (trail, TF thingy). I know you have to have the three team leaders be in the same SG, with the proper equipment. Has anyone done this yet? Is anyone planning on doing it? If someone has done it, is it worth doing?
These where the two main reason I came back. Even though I do like making many, many alts LOL!
Thanks for any response and Take Care