Broken contact chain? *SPOILERS*





I've been doing the Power arc for the Loyalists, and having a great time with the story, it really gave me the feeling of being a corrupt public servant looking for personal power and glory... However, I'm concerned after finishing my first contact in Neutropolis, working for a doctor who eventually betrays me and tries to trick me into fighting one of my former squad members. After killing the moron, Bobcat appears on my compass... but this can't really be the next arc in the chain, can it?

She asks me to wipe out some syndicate guy for her, because she's too lazy to get off her butt and do it herself. Ok, I can go crush a badguy, it fits with trying to look concerned with ridding the streets of thugs and terrorists.

But then she asks me to rob a bank with her, so her boyfriend will like her more. Yah, she's promised to introduce me to him, and Neuron would make a valuable contact to have in my quest for power... but robbing a bank? That seems like more than a little bit risky for the public image that's been groomed in every other arc in the series, and there's no justification given for why I'd actually want to accept such a risk.

Have I somehow diverged from the Power arcs of the Loyalists? The rest of the arcs were so well done, everything was justified as gaining me public support and the favors of people in high places, that this seems like it will run entirely counter to my goals. Or did I just miss something that makes it fit nice and neat into the rest?

I really don't want to continue with her if it means missing out on the rest of the Power storyline.



You are on the Power storyline, at least so far as I know it, having just been through that line.

I also thought the bank robbery was over the top, and not really fitting, but you're not helping Bobcat so much as you're trying to get in with Neuron, and you have to go through Bobcat to do so.



Your thinking too much about the actions and not the spin.

Obviously Bobcat asked you to team up with her in order to stop a bank robbery by the Syndicate in a plan to destabilize Praetorian economy. As the two of you heroically fought off the Syndicate things got hectic and you fear a few may have gotten away with some of the loot. But you vow to hunt them down and recover the stolen goods. In fact Neuron has agreed to offer some assistance with this.



Thanks... I'm rather disappointed the devs tossed in the goofyness of Bobcat to what was up to that point a really well written and engrossing arc of stories.

With confirmation it was indeed part of the Power arc for some reason, I completed the mission... but I made Bobby do all the work. I turned on Walk, and casually strolled through the map on my brute while she kicked butt. Since we didn't even attempt to disable the cameras or steal the recordings, I can only hope the public will believe the lie that I could be held hostage by a Lazy Catgirl if it it ever hits TPN.