Electric/Fire Questions




Has anyone tried out Elec/Fire on a Dom yet? I am really curious about trying one, but I am worried that Combustion and Incinerate (among the other smaller DoTs) would completely cancel out the power of Static Field, which is one of the powers I am most excited about in the new set.

Does anyone know how those powers interact?

If Fire turns out to just not work with Electricity, then what would be a good suggestion to go with it instead? I'd like a set that produced high damage (especially AoE) to make up for Electricity's low damage output.



Yeah, the DoTs will mess up Static Field a bit.

If you want a set that has decent synergy and AoE, go /Psi.



I knew the DoTs would cause a problem, but I was trying to figure out if they actually prevented the Static Field from working at all when they were active.

I decided to figure it out for myself so I got my Elec/Fire up to lvl 12 and ran around using the Static Field on random mobs, then hitting one of them with Incinerate, which has a long and rapid DoT.

What I found is that it doesn't cancel the Static Field's renewing sleep effect. Instead it becomes more random with that spawn. As the DoT is burning the target I found that the sleep will still interrupt them once in a while, but only for a moment. That moment is long enough though to prevent them from making an attack after their initial attack for being woken up in the first place. This isn't consistent though, as sometimes they will just stay awake during the DoT. (Maybe this has to do with how often the Static Field tries to put them back to sleep.)

I would say that Incinerate, being single target, doesn't cause enough of a negative effect on Static Field to be a problem, since it is expected that you are going to be killing that spawn as soon as possible anyway. (And you can always mez that spawn with other abilities if needed.)

However, I am not high enough level to see how Combustion works on Static Field. From my experiment, though, I would say that it would be a bad thing to use, as the DoT causes too much interference with the renewing sleep in a group setting. One guy who only randomly falls back asleep is one thing, the entire mob is another.



I forgot to ask a question in my last post.

I am trying to decide if I should go with Earth or Psi as a replacement for Fire.

I've already gotten a Psi to 50, though, and I like the idea of Earth, but I am concerned that there will be a big difference in damage. Does Earth hit hard enough to make up for being mostly smashing damage?

What else are people pairing with Elec/ and why? (Besides thematic reasons, of course.)



Elec/Psi, looks good together. I like PSI a lot since they buffed it. Great single target damage, a kick *** -recovery, some nice AOE when needed. In theory you could run without Stamina and health.

Elec/Energy, great damage output. Energy has mostly big hitting single target damage with extra mitigation to help Elec being light. Its got some stunning, lotsa KBing. Power Boost can really help if you going for sapping.

At some point after I get these 2 up high enough definatly gonna check out Elec/earth if for no other reason that /Earth is great fun and very strong single target melee damage. Seismic is just awesome in every regards.

Have a buddy who went /Ice for theme and the extra -rech from all the ice powers. Plus ice isn't a commonly resisted damage type and has some nice damage components as well as power boost.

I tried ELec/Elec but the sounds of the Elec secondary just made my primary sound to wimpy. Having a big jolting ZAP as I punched some fool in his faced, followed by a FIZZ has I hit em with my hold just didn't work for me. In pairing they go well together tho. Build Up from /Elec helps with damage output, but I don't know if getting another aggro happy pet will be good or not. Has to potential to get you into some serious trouble combined with the gremlins.