How do people slot levelling controllers?




Sounds like you don't really want to solo - which is no problem because Controllers do work best in teams and are the most team orientated AT the game has. That is where our true strength lies.

However you can't simply dismiss how helpful damage enhancements are. Remember you can get approximately +95% damage to your attacks by using them. Yes you wont solo like a scrapper or blaster, but it will make the difference between soloing painfully slow, and soloing at a reasonable pace. It opens up more options so its not just team or logoff, which back in the early days and before containment, it very much was for most sets.

Lastly as I said earlier, some control sets solo better than others. Gravity, Mind and Illusion are the best at single target damage, with a nice selection of attacking powers right from the off. Fire is the best at AoE damage with Hot Feet at level 8. The rest must work harder, and can eventually catch up with a combination of Pets and APP attacks.