Less team disbanning!~ (Idea)




I'd like a random team and mission generator. So both random members and missions would be selected automatically and no one would have to take the star. And when someone leaves; the mission automatically resets to adjust for the number.

And your idea gaining buffs for how much the team does together and the team leader getting temp buff powers.

What about adding team merits? I mean there's merits for everything else. They can be gained with other merits depending on how long members were part of the team with out effecting the chances of getting other merits. Can be used to buy team oriented buffs such as increasing chance of gaining other merits, defense, damage resistance, status effect resistance, attack speed, running speed, jumping height, etc. When a member leaves all team buffs casted on and by the leaving member are automatically deleted as well as all team merits gained by the leaving member. The longer a member stay on a team the greater the chance of getting team merits per kill, the more missions the team completes the more the greater the chance of getting team merits per kill, and the more kills the greater the chance of getting team merits per kill. Team member can give in team merits to help purchase, but only to help purchase; team merits can not be traded.

If it ain't broke set it on fire, then say it was a fault in the design.

Main:50 Force Encephalon Mind/Kinetic Controller, Protector Server