IS it me or something ...
I've been away for awhile and I noticed my robot's resistance sit at 21% I thought it was a tad higher in the past too.
I'd like this question answered too please.
Whining about everything since 2006.
Ammo switching for Dual Pistols was my idea:
The only change lately in that area is foes will turn on toggles first before attacks now. Which foes are you talking about?
I've noticed this too. A lot fo the time I have to re-summon after every group, even on +0/x2.
Seven years of heroism. Seven years of friendships. Seven years of saving the world. Seven years of virtuous selflessness.
You will return, for you are the mighty City of Paragon, the City of Heroes.
1. Is it me or has the resistance on Nerco pets ( Zombies) been lowered or something?
Cause 2 month ago was play my Nerco/Dark toon and they were awesome killing quick and not taking damage like they are now, i started playing my toon again and all of the sudden the same group i was fighting before are wiping out my pets like wiping your nose..i dont get it look at all the patch note dont see anything can someone tell me something if they have...thanks