Defender or Corruptor

Adeon Hawkwood



So just looking to see what other peoples views are. I just want to know whats is better version. A defeneder Kinetic/Dual Pistol or and Corruptor Dual Pistol/Kinetic. I know that defenders get better buffs and less enurance drain, but corruptors get a little better damage output. So what is the better way t o go?



In general it comes down to preference. If you solo a good bit of the time the Corruptor is probably a better choice. If you team almost exclusively then the Defender is a little better.

Corruptors have a higher base damage while Defenders get a damage buff when solo so in the absences of other buffs and assuming 95% enhancement slotting the two do basically the same damage (although Corruptors do get Scourge). Kinetics provides quite a bit of damage buffing and if you do the math the Defender comes out a little better since the stronger damage buffs counterbalance the Corruptors higher base damage (neglecting Scourge). However the Corruptor is still a better choice solo since Kinetics can reasonably hit the damage softcap (defined as the damage hard cap of +300% minus your damage enhancement slotting).