Experience Value Computations for Custom AE Characters




I searched for a guide or some other helpful reference in this forum, but didn't find anything up-to-date, I think. At least I didn't find anything that looked like the computations you'll see below.

So. I'm looking at the Help tip that's accessed by clicking on the question mark located towards the upper right of both the Primary Sets page and the Secondary Sets page when building a custom character in AE. This brings up a large box, titled "Experience Value," and I've been trying to understand how the described computations work for a couple hours now. My head hurts.

For the examples used in my computations, I will use the Primary Set "Claws" and the Secondary Set "Willpower," both found in the Scrapper section.

1. The 5 highest Alpha values of powers without beta are added to a list.

Primary powers all seem to have only an Alpha value; secondary powers all seem to have an Alpha and a Beta value. So, looking at Claws, I pick the following 5 powers, which have the highest Alpha values to be found in the set, as follows:

  1. Swipe: 75.0
  2. Strike: 75.0
  3. Slash: 72.0
  4. Focus: 105.0 (also the obligatory ranged attack)
  5. Eviscerate: 69.0
2. For each power with a (sic) alpha and beta, it multiplies the top list values in the by beta, alpha times.

There appears to be a word missing between "the" and "by;" my best guess is the word is supposed to be "list." For our exercise, I've chosen 4 powers from Willpower, as follows:
  1. High Pain Tolerance: Alpha = 3.0; Beta = 0.067
  2. Mind Over Body: Alpha = 3.0; Beta = 0.067
  3. Fast Healing: Alpha = 3.0; Beta = 0.033
  4. Resurgence: Alpha = 5.0; Beta = 0.400
Here's where my confusion first starts. Let's take the Alpha value of Swipe (75.0), then multiple it by the Beta value of High Pain Tolerance (0.067). This gives us a result of 5.025. We then multiply that by HPT's Alpha value (3.0) to get 15.075. To the best of my understanding. the computation is correctly done according to the instructions given so far.

We carry this out, multiplying the Alpha value of each Primary power by the Beta value of HPT, then multiplying the result by the Alpha value of HPT. We repeat this process for all 5 Primary powers, using all 4 Secondary powers, and we should end up with a total of 20 calculated numbers.

15.075 + 15.075 + 14.472 + 21.105 + 13.869 = 79.596
15.075 + 15.075 + 14.472 + 21.105 + 13.869 = 79.596
7.425 + 7.425 + 7.128 + 10.395 + 6.831 = 39.204
150.0 + 150.0 + 144.0 + 210.0 + 138.0 = 792.0

3. The total value of the list is summed.

We then add all those numbers together to get a grand total, which for me came out to be:
79.596 + 79.596 + 39.204 + 792.0 = 990.396.

4. That (sic) sum of the list is divided against a standard point value determined by rank and value of the custom character:

Percent XP = List Total/Point Value

If level is less than 20: Point Value = (Rank Value + level/20 x Rank Value)/2
Otherwise: Point Value = Rank Value + (level-20)/30 x Rank Value x 0.2

Rank Value Table:
Minions: 250
Lieutenants: 340
Bosses: 430
Higher: 450

So, having gotten to this point, I attempt to calculate the XP percentage of a level 50 Lieutenant with the above powers.

Point Value = 340 + (50-20)/30 x 340 x 0.2
Point Value = 340 + 30/30 x 340 x 0.2
Point Value = 340 + 1 x 340 x 0.2
Point Value = 340 + 340 x 0.2
Point Value = 340 + 68
Point Value = 408

I plug the numbers 990.396 (the sum total of the list) and 408 (the point value of the level 50 lieutenant) into the formula:

Percent XP = List Total/Point Value
Percent XP = 990.396/408
Percent XP = 2.4274411

My math rules are only fuzzily remembered. Is that total 242% or 2.42%? I wouldn't think that XP percentage would rise above 100%, so one of two things is happening here:
  1. A level 50 lieutenant with the above powers only gives 2.42% XP (highly unlikely), or
  2. I have calculated incorrectly in one or more places, and perhaps have misunderstood the process completely.
Has anyone else tried to follow these calculations? And succeeded in getting the correct answer(s)? If so, I'd really like you to chime in and correct me, please. I know I'm doing something wrong; I just don't know where.

Thanks for any and all help, feedback and comments.

M. Bison: For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me...it was Tuesday.
-- Street Fighter (1994)

McClane: Hey, thanks for saving my daughter's life.
Farrell: What was I going to do?
McClane: That's what makes you "that guy."
-- Live Free or Die Hard (2007)



Fair warning, I know absolutely nothing about the XP calculation formula, other than the fact that it's hardcapped at 100%, 40% if you're missing the mandatory overpowered blasts in melee sets. But reading your interpretation, something doesn't make sense from a programmer's standpoint.

Originally Posted by Klatteja View Post
2. For each power with a (sic) alpha and beta, it multiplies the top list values in the by beta, alpha times.
  1. High Pain Tolerance: Alpha = 3.0; Beta = 0.067
  2. Mind Over Body: Alpha = 3.0; Beta = 0.067
  3. Fast Healing: Alpha = 3.0; Beta = 0.033
  4. Resurgence: Alpha = 5.0; Beta = 0.400
We carry this out, multiplying the Alpha value of each Primary power by the Beta value of HPT, then multiplying the result by the Alpha value of HPT.
The fact that there are two separate variables implies that they are somehow used differently. Either one's added and the other's multiplied, or one's used some of the time and the other's used the rest of the time. If they were meant to both be simply multiplied together, every time, then there'd be no need for two separate variables. The devs could have just pre-multiplied the two values directly (associative property of multiplication), stored the product as a single variable, and saved a whole step.

Looking at the numbers, I suspect that the alpha part of alpha/beta is simply a cap on the number of pure alpha powers the beta will apply to. Since that number is always a whole number, usually 3.0, sometimes 5.0. If so, that would mean Resurgence (5.0/0.400) increases the top 5 pure alpha values by 40%, while Fast Healing (3.0/0.033) increases the top 3 pure alpha values by 3.3%. I don't know that, I haven't tested that, that's just a programmer's hunch just from looking at the data.



Originally Posted by Klatteja View Post
We carry this out, multiplying the Alpha value of each Primary power by the Beta value of HPT, then multiplying the result by the Alpha value of HPT. We repeat this process for all 5 Primary powers, using all 4 Secondary powers, and we should end up with a total of 20 calculated numbers.

15.075 + 15.075 + 14.472 + 21.105 + 13.869 = 79.596
15.075 + 15.075 + 14.472 + 21.105 + 13.869 = 79.596
7.425 + 7.425 + 7.128 + 10.395 + 6.831 = 39.204
150.0 + 150.0 + 144.0 + 210.0 + 138.0 = 792.0

3. The total value of the list is summed.
This is where you are making the error (and it's certainly because the in-game instructions are unclear; back in beta a wrote a "mini-guide" explaining more clearly how this worked, but I have no idea where it is now; I should probably re-post it under player guides).

It works like this. A power's "beta" value is multiplied by the top "alpha" powers. In other words, if "alpha" is 3.0, the beta value is applied to the top three powers in your attack list.

So, Alpha=3, Beta=0.067 works like this (and notice your list is rearranged in order of descending alpha):

Focus: 105.0 * 0.067
Swipe: 75.0 * 0.067
Strike: 75.0 * 0.067
Slash: 72.0 * 0 (we've now applied it to the top 3 powers, and alpha=3.0)
Eviscerate: 69.0 * 0

7.035 + 5.025 + 5.025 = 17.085.

You'd get the same value for Mind over Body (17.085)
You'd get half that value for fast healing (just replace all the 0.067 with 0.033 in the list above), so 8.5425.

And Resurgence (if those are really the values for it, WOW) would be:

Focus: 105.0 * 0.4
Swipe: 75.0 * 0.4
Strike: 75.0 * 0.4
Slash: 72.0 * 0.4
Eviscerate: 69.0 * 0.4 (Since alpha = 5 this time)

So a total here of 158.4

Therefore, the totals for this mob would be

Sum of top 5 powers with only alphas: 396
Sum of "support" (beta) powers: 201.1125

Grand total: 597.1125

Compared to your (correctly calculated mob value):

597.1125 / 408 = 1.464 or 146.4%

But all AE mobs always cap XP at 100%, so it just caps to being worth 100%.

M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice! )
Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)