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I didn't mind the HEAT arcs. Admittedly, it's sort of 'okay, play once, then done for good'- I probably wouldn't go out of my way to repeat them. But simply playing them wasn't bad.

The VEAT arcs, on the other hand, made my character, the character's contacts, Arachnos and really everyone involved look stupid... but I fear I was the most foolish for playing them. You definitely didn't feel like a Blood Widow/Crab Spider... but I don't feel you really felt like much of anything. You were just there. I find the majority of the arcs Villain-side well-written. They weren't always fun, I didn't like a few contacts, so on so forth, but I at least felt like I knew what I was doing and why.

The final mission really is 'go troll Statesman', but the whole thing is just 'go troll Arachnos. only really boringly'.



Okay but that's a game-play issue. I doubt that's what Venture had in mind. Maybe part of it but he's more likely to claim that it's just a bunch of stuff that happens.
More like it's just a bunch of not very interesting stuff that doesn't make much sense.

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"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by DKellis View Post
I remember thinking the lower-level VEAT arcs were more interesting than the higher-level ones.
Hah. Remember the mission where you kidnap a psychic, then hand her over to Arachnos? And then the very next mission you have to break into an Arachnos base to...ask that same psychic a question?

Those two missions were when I realized I could do better in the MA.

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