My New Sig
Totally awesome; thank you Cath!
Damn that's cool.
The only thing I found recently is a new Batman Trailer...

I'm just surprised you haven't already switched to an Iron Baby avatar, Cath.
The Players' Guide to the Cities

I know someone who made an animated gif, but those things lag browsers.
Update: I'm going to start using this thread to promote videos I create or like via my signature. I'll try to remember to post any time I change it. Speaking of which, check my sig in about an hour or so for an update.
**Sig Change - June 1, 2010 @ 5:35 PM Eastern**
I know someone who made an animated gif, but those things lag browsers.

I go through extra steps to keep my image sizes small, though. My spinning skull is only ~33K.
The Players' Guide to the Cities

By the way, you should all check out the tags for the video that's currently in my sig.
I think I'm going to create a meme with them.
Cath, I bow to my new overlord. 'Nuff said.
Cath = awesome
Check this one out! It's super awesome!
**Sig Change - June 20, 2010 @ 11:56 PM Eastern**
**Sig Change - June 23, 2010 @ 12:26 AM Eastern**
I made a goofy blooper reel for my Device vid. Click the sig to see it.
**Sig Change - July 14, 2010 @ 1:53 AM Eastern**
Important Informational Video!
Click the link at the bottom of my sig to see the next viral video. It's going to be everywhere.
You're welcome.
------- EDIT -------
(The originally referenced video was "Iron Baby". Google / YouTube it. This thread has a new purpose as detailed in the quoted post below.)
Click for Hot Sun Splitter Action