Call Out to the Artist and Art Collectors
I know Arbiter Fabulous and Samuraiko have had great luck using ChipIn and twitter to get the word out. I can't help myself, but I wish you luck.
Anyone else that can lend a hand (a few bucks) for this it would be great. I know not everyone is flush enough to help out, so I'm chipping in some extra to help with the pet meds and chow. It's not an insurmountable amount, so I'm sure we can do it!! Go Team!!
My Deviant Art page link-link
CoH/V Fan Videos

Very cool! I hope Roady gets enough for his shots and feed, and that little "fixin'" thing.
My Deviant Art page link-link
CoH/V Fan Videos

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This is Roady.

Say Hi Roady.
Roady was found in the road (hence the name) near our home by the Future Mrs. Scooter and Myself, in the beginning of May. We put up Found Puppy posters all over our neighborhood, called the local Shelter, and even posted his picture on the lost and found section of craigslist all in an attempt to find his family. However, it seems his family is not looking for him.
We would take him to the shelter however the local no-kill shelter is not accepting drop-offs and we are afraid to take him to the County pound for fear of him not finding a good home and they euthanize him.
This is where Roady needs your help. Roady needs his shots and he needs to be fixed. He also eats a lot of puppy chow. We think we have found him a good home but they cannot take him until they move into their new house in a couple months. With the Future Mrs. Scooter being a Teacher and me being a full time student finances are tight, and we can't afford to take care of him for that long. We are unwilling to take him to the pound and be done with him. If you are willing to help out Roady, you can go the ChipIn page I set up:
I recently acquired a Carnival of Shadows Ring Mistress Costume Code. That I am auctioning off via ebay, all proceeds of this auction will go towards the Roady Fun. The auction will run for 1 (one) week. You can go the listing HERE. Not only will you be helping a stray puppy find a good home but you can possibly win a costume code of your very own.
or pm me and I can give you more details on how you can help us take care of Roady until we can get him to his new family.
Thank you in advance for helping Roady.
Any help will be rewarded with gift art done by me.