Tips for Tanking in a Hami raid
tank role is simply....taunt a mito.literally thats really it.unless your the hami taunter and thats the same thing only you get hami and have a couple healers helping you along the way.
go in. hit a eoe and taunt hami or the mito. repeat 4 times and smash hami at the end and poof! your a star.however remember to avoid damage control from splash damage make sure your out as far as you can go so you dont hit the occasional scraper/def/troller tghat comes by taking out the mitos. however let it be known most its cause we have higher hit points and taunt more on average then a scrapper will.make sure you got enough kb too on tanks that dont have kb protection to begin with( i.e. fire and dark.).when those mitos hit you itll knock you down the entire time.
oh and yeah turn your toggles on.

i was actualy told in my last hami raid on my tank to turn all toggles off except mez resistant ones because all the mitos ignore all resists and defences
Hello everybody,

not a new player, but am a new lvl 45 tank holder that I want to take on hami raids.
I have run the Hami lots of times, usually on my Scrappie, so am familiar with the raid process but not about the tankers role.
I have read all the guides and threads that I could find but as most of them are now Issue 9 old I wanted to ask the following if I may:
1. Is the Tanking system on current Hami's the same as those guides describe?
2. What should I NOT be doing that might cause screw ups?
3. Does the taunt rotation thing still happen and where do I go if not active taunter?
4. Do I just stand about with my toggles down and powers idle till it is my turn to be taunter?
Any responses/suggestions/experiences et cetera that will make me more effective in the Hami will be gladly received
I am on an Inv/Fire and will hopefully be 50 by the time I jump into the Hive.
Thanks so much.
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unless you are a cheese!