Petsay with Emotes




Alright, I've read the guide on this, and fiddled with it, but to no avail.

I know about Binds, and loading binds, and so forth; I'm down with that.

But what's the format for Petsay to get my pet to do an emote?

I can get them to *say* stuff - but I was them to, for instance, cower in fear.

I can /petsaypow Zombie e afraid ... But then they all say "e Afraid", which is not quite the effect I'm going for here.

Any suggestions / advice much appreciated.



Try this:

/petsay_all <em dance>

and insert any emote you want in place of dance.



Aww. Sadmaking.

At least there's a (chunky) workaround.




/petsaypow Zombie <em afraid>

That should make a pets summoned by the Zombie ability do the afraid emote.